Library News


Recently, emails were sent to parents regarding overdue library books. If you have received one of these emails can you please follow up either with payment or make contact with me in the library if you are unable to find the book.


Currently there are over 150 overdue books. While this may not seem a lot this affects what students are able to borrow and also has an impact on the library.


The cost to replace these books is approximately $3000.


Book Fair is arriving Monday 22nd July and will be here until  Friday 2nd August.

Students will be able to browse the selections during their library classes.


Parent Purchasing Sessions will be Tuesday 23rd July 9am-3:30pm and also Thursday 1st August and Friday 2nd August 8:30am to 9am and 3:30pm to 4pm.

Scholastic Book Club Issue 4 order has been placed and will arrive shortly and be distributed ASAP.

TERM 3 important dates for your calendar

Scholastic Book Fair:  22nd July to 2nd of August ( details to follow )

The Blurbs: 15th August

Book Week: 26th - 30th August

Book Week Parade: Friday 30th August

Cuppa and contacting

There will be another cuppa and contacting day in Term 3 . Date will be in the next newsletter.

There are a number of books that have recently been purchased and need contacting. If you are able to help with this in any way it would be greatly appreciated.

Please contact Kirsty by coming in and visiting or emailing



Kirsty Lister

Library Sessions

Please check which day your child has Library and ensure that their books are being returned.


Grade P/1 Thomson

Grade 1  Price

Grade 1 McDougall

Grade 4 Gilmore, O'Connor, Pata/Ashman


Grade 2 Janssen, Fullard and Gruenhausen

Grade 6 Salm, Chamings and Jacobs


Prep Davey, Antonowicz and Schwenke


Grade 3 Delikatzis, Hartland and McGregor

Grade 5 Cumming, Palmer and Aburrow