The Wellbeing Team

Welcome to the Wellbeing space!

Jess & Clarissa

      🌟Wellbeing News! 🌈

Thank a First Responder Day

This month, the wellbeing team dedicated time to express our heartfelt gratitude to the first responders in our community. June 12th, known as Thank a First Responder Day, is a national day of appreciation recognising the incredible dedication and bravery of first responders and their families.


In honour of this day, each class took part in creating thank you cards. The students poured their creativity and appreciation into these cards, decorating them with beautiful, thankful messages. We are proud to share that we sent out 21 thank you cards, each one a small token of our immense gratitude for the individuals who put their lives on the line to keep our community safe.


In celebration of Thanking a First Responder Day on June 12th, 2024, we want to highlight the invaluable contributions of our local heroes. From paramedics, firefighters to police officers and other emergency personnel, our first responders are the backbone of our community's safety infrastructure. They are always ready to respond in times of crisis, often putting their own lives at risk to protect and serve others.


By crafting and sending these cards, we aim to convey our sincere thanks and admiration for the unwavering commitment and courage displayed by our first responders. We believe it is important for our students to understand and appreciate the efforts of those who work tirelessly to ensure our safety.


Additionally, if you would like to learn more about the vital role of first responders, Ms. Lister has curated a selection of books available in the library. These books provide valuable insights into the lives and contributions of these remarkable individuals.

Books that can be found in the library
Books that can be found in the library

🌟What's on for the Holidays?🌈

Our Wellbeing Local is a new initiative led by Annette Clemments, who holds a bachelor's degree in social work and has extensive experience in the field currently holds practice in Eaglehawk. This program focuses on providing parenting support, helping parents enhance their skills and create a nurturing environment for their children.

Annette brings her vast knowledge and experience to each session, offering practical advice and empathetic support. These workshops cover effective parenting techniques, communication skills, and emotional resilience, with interactive discussions and peer sharing.

If you think you and your child could benefit from these workshops, please call the number listed on the flyer below to learn more and register. Your participation could be a valuable step toward building a stronger family environment.


If you are in need of extra mental health support these holidays for yourself or your family we have listed below mental health services that are free for everyone.