School News

Term 2, 2024

Dear Parents/Guardians,


I would like to thank you all for a very fruitful semester. 


I had some wonderful feedback about the two Auslan excursions and the maturity of the students who attended. Questions from students like, "How do you know if someone breaks into your house if you can't hear?" were answered as seriously as they were asked. It is experiences like these that build our students understanding of 'a-bility' and inclusion. The student survey that was undertaken this term highlighted that 92% of students at Epsom Primary School believe that it is ok to be different.


HPV training has continued throughout the term culminating in a health session on smoothie making. Cluster Athletics and Division soccer allowed students to shine in an area of strength and our Do it for Dolly Day and Batten's Awareness Celebration gave students voice and understanding of two very important causes. 


The Green Nest continues to develop along with our practice in sustainability. It was wonderful that three of our teachers were recognised for their work in this area through the Resource Smart Teacher of the Year Award.


Thank you to all of our families who continue to strive towards improved attendance. This area will continue to be a priority for our school.

Lost Property

After a chilly winter blast, we have a pile of jumpers in lost property. Please ensure that items of clothing are clearly labelled so that we can return them when found.


Over the past few months staff have been working on an upgrade to our reporting format. 

Instead of lengthy comments, students will now receive an achievement level for the curriculum strands taught throughout each term. The 'skill sentences' will provide clear and specific insights into your child's progress in relation to strengths and areas for improvement. This approach aims to help you to understand why your child has been marked at particular progression points.

Compass Calendar

Please note that all events should now be visible on the Compass calendar. We hope that this will help to keep our community informed about school activities

Parents on Camp

As we have enough staff who are able to attend camp this year, we will not require any parent volunteers. Thank you to those who have offered.

Staff Carpark

Just a reminder that the dirt car park across the road is for staff only. 

Student Learning Conferences

Student Learning Conferences are scheduled for the second Tuesday following the school holidays. Interview bookings will be available on Compass at the end of next week. We send you a Compass note to let you know.  Your input provides a valuable insight into your child's strengths and areas for improvement. This support help teachers to share the learning journey so far and enables them to better meet your child's needs.

EFL Grand Final

Next Wednesday, the Pumas will verse the Vipers in the Epsom Football League (EFL) at 2:50 pm. We are gearing up for an exciting match with extra training sessions being held this week. After both teams have formally entered the field, the National Anthem will be played before the bounce.


I would like to wish all our families the best for the remainder of Term 2, and a restful and enjoyable two-week break ahead. We have already achieved so much this semester, and I can’t wait to see what the second half of the year holds.  


Kind regards,


Julie Ladd
