Bowled over by Cricket!  


In the last couple of weeks of term we have had a visit from Josh Hartill from Cricket Tas. The students have been learning and improving on their catching, batting and bowling skills while having a lot of fun along the way. Cricket is an easy sport to play at home with the family in the backyard, at the beach or in a park close to home. If you have a bat and a ball you can use a tree for stumps. 


With the holidays coming up it is the perfect opportunity to have a family cricket game. Use larger balls for the younger kids so that they can hit them easily and placing the ball on a tee or allowing the students to hit from the ground (avoiding bowling) is a helpful tip to give maximum play potential for our younger students. 


The students have been enjoying batting the very large red scorcher balls that Josh has provided. They place them on a tee and then hit them hard! Another option is to hit 4 tennis balls from the ground and make the parents run to return them while the kids do as many runs as they can. 


I look forward to hearing some cricketing stories from the students after the holidays. 


Enjoy your holidays.