On Tuesday 30th of April our students participated in our school’s house cross country. The students were required to run either 1km, 2km or 3km depending on their age category. Thank you to all the students who helped assisting with junior levels and a huge thank you to all parents who helped out throughout the day. These events can’t happen without you.
All students who ran did an extremely good job and tried their best; we would like to congratulate our students for their efforts. An extra special mention needs to be made for the students who finished in the top 10 of their category, as they will now progress through to represent our school at the district cross country on Tuesday 14th May at Quambee Reserve.
As this event was a house event each child received scores towards their house points. The results were 1st place – Yellow house with 268 points, 2nd place – Green house with 234 points, 3rd place – Blue house with 233 points, 4th place – Red house with 224 points.