Level 5

Level  5  

Week 4

Cross Country, kinder visits, 5/6 sport, xix minute podcast and all around great vibes have been the highlights this week in Level 5!

In Reading, we are currently focusing on a class novel which links to our Inquiry topic of ‘Power’. We have been synthesising questions to strengthen comprehension skills before, during and after reading. We are continuing to focus on developing our speaking and listening skills through a daily six minute podcast which has led to deep discussions, students bouncing ideas off one another and outrageous predictions. In our writing sessions, students are working on going through the writing process to create their own information report and then revising it thoroughly to make it the best piece it can be. We have been using mentor texts to model amazing writing to enhance their writing abilities. 


In Maths, we are concentrating on fractions. We are using our understanding of numbers to find common denominators and add, subtract and multiply fractions. Inquiry is encouraging our students to engage in researching the Australian government and the power each level of government holds. Friendology has focused on working towards handling tricky situations in friendships such and miscommunication and misunderstandings. 


Please remind your child to bring their water bottles, journals and charged iPads daily. We would love the students to write their personal reading in their learning journals and attempt to complete their homework consistently. 

We are grateful for your continued partnership and support as we work together to ensure the holistic development of our students.


Thank you,

Level Five teachers