This Week At OOPS

Thank You Bunnings

We are extremely grateful to Bunnings Nunawading for generously donating two heavy duty carts to help the children easily move soil and plants when helping in the vegie patch.

Play Dough Fractions

Our Year 6 students made the most of the recent sunshine and took their learning outdoors.  Using their knowledge of fractions the students made playdough for their Prep  Buddies.

Kitchen Garden

The Year 3 students have been enjoying their first kitchen sessions as a part of our Kitchen Garden program. The first session was all about safety in the kitchen and setting up kitchen norms. The students had a go at using knives, graters and peelers safely when preparing food for the chickens. Thanks again to our parent helpers! 


Duncan, Clare and Milly lost their drink bottles on camp! 

Duncan drinks the most water, Clare drinks the next most and Milly drinks the least. Duncan chose the long, skinny container to use as his drink bottle, but he was still thirsty, and Clare and Milly had water left over!  Maybe the tallest container didn’t hold the most water! 

The Year 1s were given the job of finding the best replacement drink bottle for the teachers. They worked in groups of 4 and were given three containers. Each group estimated which container would be best for each teacher and then then used their understanding of capacity to test. Some groups filled a container up and then poured the water into another container to see if it overflowed, while other groups counted how many cups of water each container could hold. 

Each group was able to find the right sized containers for each teacher, but were a bit shocked that three teachers lost their drink bottles!



This year, the S.R.C. is hosting The Biggest Morning Tea on behalf of the OOPS community. We have set up a fundraising page, and the S.R.C. has decided to aim high and try to raise $375 for the important cause. We will hold a whole-school morning tea on the 23rd of May, including activities for the students to participate in, planned by the S.R.C. We will also collect gold coin donations from each student on the day.


Our S.R.C. captains, Avina and Ishaan explain why it’s such a worthy cause for us to support. “It’s important to donate to the people who have gone through (or are currently going through) a cancer diagnosis because they’re going through a lot. Right now, they might be counting on the community to help them. So donating is what we can do to support them. Please feel free to donate to help or share your story to raise awareness. Visit the Old Orchard link below if you can donate any amount to the Old Orchard Biggest Morning Tea. Please do what you can to support this important cause. This event is something we can do as a school community to support those whuse. This event is something we can do as a school community to support those who are impacted by cancer”.


To donate to the Old Orchard Biggest Morning Tea, please visit the following link: or scan the QR code. We really do appreciate every dollar, and the S.R.C. will update the running total in the newsletter and at assemblies.