Prep Team

Celebrations this term!
The whole Prep cohort have earned their first prize through our School Wide Positive Behaviour Support approach. Prep A will be enjoying a delicious hot chocolate in the coming week. To achieve this, Prep A have demonstrated active listening, showing kindness and following all instructions as a team.
Prep B will be snuggly and warm on Friday and will be coming to school in their pyjamas! The students demonstrated respectful learning behaviours and worked incredibly hard to be responsible learners in the learning community. A number of students have cashed in their own individual spark bucks and Miss Koulouris has had her pen stolen five times, has had 4 students receive 10 minutes of mindfulness/free reading time and some students sitting on chairs for the day! What superstars!
Prep C enjoyed a Zooper Dooper each, for their fantastic effort in showing our values! We are well on our way to earning our next reward of a one hour session of exploring our iPads. Keep up the fantastic effort, little legends!
This term, our students have been revising what it means to be a Respectful, Responsible, Safe and Resilient learner. We have been working hard to create calm and predictable learning environments and have endeavoured to create predictable routines within the learning community. We have done a fantastic job this week practising our morning and end of day line up routines!
Colour Run
We thought it would be a great opportunity to share some of the pictures of the Colour Run last term from our Prep cohort. Again, thanks to the parents and community for their support in raising funds for the school!
In Class
Students have been cementing their knowledge of sounds and learning to blend sounds and segment words. They are showing amazing growth in their ability to demonstrate the mindset required to practise their skills in Maths and solve problems involving numbers to 10. Students have begun our Perceptual Motor Program (PMP) sessions and showing their skills through obstacle courses and hand-eye coordination activities.