Leadership Report

We wanted to begin this newsletter by thanking our whole school community for their commitment and effort around our school focus on morning routines this term. We have noticed a number of areas that have improved dramatically through this effort.
- Late arrivals have reduced significantly. It is fantastic to see many of our families and students arriving at school just before 8:30am to ensure they are ready for their classes' entry at 8:35am.
- Students and parents are saying farewell before students line up in the morning allowing for a smoother calmer start to the day. This is particularly evident in our Junior School classes.
- By spreading out our entry and exit points, the line up procedures are a lot calmer for everyone.
- Students are embracing and thriving with these predictable routines
You may have heard in the news earlier this week the drive to implement 'OLD SCHOOL DISCIPLINE' approaches within schools. We want to assure our community our work in this space is not in line with this mindset. Our work and focus in creating calm, predictable and calm routines for our students is highly researched (Berry Street Educational Model) and very much about ensuring all staff and students are in the right space to achieve the very best learning outcomes each and every day. Our learning and work in this space is only just beginning and we will continue to share our areas of focus and achievements as we continue to go further together.
It continues to be heartbreaking to read and hear about the ongoing and escalating tragic outcomes of family violence within Australia. We want to highlight our unwavering commitment to stopping family violence and the pivotal role that Respectful Relationships education plays in fostering a generational shift towards a culture of respect and empathy.
The consequences of family violence ripple through generations, leaving lasting scars on families and society as a whole. As educators, we have a responsibility to address this issue head-on, both within our school environment and in the broader community.
At Orchard Park Primary School, we believe that education is a key driver to prevention. That's why we have integrated Respectful Relationships education into our curriculum. This holistic approach goes beyond traditional academic subjects; it equips our students with the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary to build healthy, respectful relationships throughout their lives.
Respectful Relationships education encompasses a range of topics, including consent, empathy, communication, and gender equality. By embedding these principles into our teaching practices, we empower our students to recognise and challenge harmful attitudes and behaviours from an early age. We strive to create a safe and inclusive environment where every individual feels valued and respected, regardless of their background or identity. The idea of some of these topics being taught to primary school students can be challenging and confronting. However rest assured this is done in a very considered and sequential way throughout their schooling years, with the core focus always being RESPECT.
Orchard Park Primary School will always be a place of safety and support for anyone in our community that needs intervention or support due to challenging circumstances within their lives. As the hub of our community, we have access and connection to a range of supports for any families that need support at any point in time.
We are noticing an increasing number of unlabelled items accumulating in our lost property. As school uniforms can be costly, please label all your child's belongings with their name. This will help ensure that any lost items can be easily returned to your child. Please double-check all uniform items to make sure they are properly marked with your child's name.
Mother's Day is just around the corner!!! This year, our wonderful Parents and Friends group have once again gone above and beyond in organising our Mother's Day stall. The stall will be stocked with a series of small items that students can purchase for their mums or special people. This is a fantastic opportunity for our students to show their appreciation and love for their mums by picking out a thoughtful gift. All students will be provided with a chance to purchase a special gift on Thursday 9th May. See the page promoting this event further down in our newsletter.
One of our traditions here at OPPS is to create an opportunity for our students and their mums and special adults to spend some quality time together here at the school. We are excited to be running our Mother's Day Amazing Race this coming Friday 10th May from 2:10-3:00pm. We look forward to welcoming all our mums and special adults into the school for this special event.
Parent Teacher Interviews are coming up on Tuesday 7th of May between 2:15pm and 8:00pm. These interviews are a fantastic opportunity to discuss your child's academic and interpersonal development with their Classroom Teacher(s). We encourage you to attend as it can be a valuable way to gain insight into your child's progress, as well as to share any questions or concerns you may have.
You are now able to book a Parent Teacher Interview through Compass. If you go to the ‘Conferences’ section on Compass, located beneath the ‘Community’ tab. You will have the option of selecting from one of the available 15-minute blocks.
If you have any questions about Parent-Teacher Interviews, please don’t hesitate to email or call the office at 5947 9100.
As has been communicated through Compass, we will also be running our Parent Helper induction/info session on 3 occasions throughout the night. This session is essential for any parents who wish to support our school in any parent helper capacity. The session will run for approximately 15 minutes and you are welcome to bring little ones along. The sessions are running at 3:30, 5:00 and 7:00 on the night. Please register through the following link. https://forms.gle/Dy5x1wgdvf1tyUZk8
This Term, our Year 5 and 6 students will participate in the 'Moving into the Teen Years' (MITTY) program. The program, led by an external educator, aims to provide our students with accurate information about the changes they will experience as they transition into adolescence. Each year level will engage in three 90-minute sessions, covering topics such as puberty, body changes, and emotional regulation. We look forward to supporting our students as they navigate this next stage of their development.