
Hello Parents/Guardians and Community Members,
We had a busy finish to term one, with students out on Work Experience, attending the TAFE YES Construction Program as well as an excursion for our Year 10, 11 and 12 students who were interested in attending the Charles Sturt University Explore Day.
This term we have many careers events happening, the details of each of these opportunities coming up are outlined below. All Careers events are announced to students at year meetings, morning assemblies, posted online and in this newsletter. Please contact the careers office if you wish to seek further information about any of these opportunities for your child.
CSU Explore Day 19th March 2024:
On Tuesday 19th March a group of Year 10, 11 and 12 students headed over to attend the CSU Explore Day. This was a fantastic day for students to immerse themselves into interactive workshops and to explore and try out University courses and see what university life is like. Students were able to select and attend sessions that interested them and by all accounts found the activities and the day very informative and fun.
I wish to thank all our students for demonstrating exceptional manners on this excursion.
Thank you to Mr Ashley Beer for driving our bus and attending the day!
White Card Courses held on 8th April.
I wish to commend and congratulate the recent group of students who undertook the White Card Construction Safety Training for SafeWork NSW on 8th April last term.
Students were exceptional on the day, and all passed the course. Each student was provided with their certificate and will receive their wallet sized SafeWork Card in the mail to their residential address.
Well done everyone! A photo of some of the students who attended is shown:
The next White Card Course will be end of Term 2. Students are encouraged to come to the Careers office to put their name down for this course.
YEAR 10 Work Experience – Week 11 Term 1 – 8th April – 12th April!
Congratulations to all our Year 10 students who went out on work experience last term. Employer feedback for students was very positive and several students managed to gain offers of School Based Traineeships and Apprenticeships (SBAT) as well as several students gaining part time employment. I wish to take this opportunity to thank all the host employers in Narrandera and surrounds for their ongoing support of our work experience program and appreciate the time and energy all employers and their staff go to, to support our students by providing such valuable real-life work opportunities. THANK YOU, EMPLOYERS!
Here is a selection of photos sent through or taken during my visits to host employers.
TAFE YES Program Term 1 Construction - concluded last term with some fantastic projects completed!
Our Term 1 TAFE YES Construction students have completed their main projects and by all accounts loved their time up at Narrandera TAFE learning new skills and gaining confidence in the Construction techniques and course. See the photos of some of these Friday sessions below:
Upcoming Events:
TAFE YES Program Construction – Term 2 Delayed start date to 17th May.
Our next round of TAFE YES Program Construction course will not start of Friday 10th due to the school Athletics Carnival. So, the program will now commence on Friday 17th May. Notes will be sent home to those students who have enrolled in this course advising parents and guardians of this change in start date. This week we will quickly meet with students to loan out any boots they may need for this program.
LaTrobe Uni Visit for Senior Students – 9th May:
The Future Students Team from LaTrobe University will be at Narrandera High School on Thursday 9th May to discuss with our senior students all things LaTrobe, including course options, entry pathways, early entry process, important dates, scholarships and much more. This event will occur during period 3 in the school library and students will have the opportunity to stay back and speak directly with LaTrobe staff to ask any further questions they may have.
University of Canberra You See for Yourself Explore Day Excursion 21st & 22nd May
Our Senior students interested in exploring the University of Canberra, are encouraged to register for the upcoming excursion to be held on 22nd May. Students will need to let the Careers Adviser know they wish to attend so that they can receive the link to register online for this event.
We anticipate that we will travel up to Canberra after school on Tuesday 21st May and then attend the full day at UC campus on the Wednesday 22nd May, then travel home Wednesday evening.
As we will be staying overnight, there will be a cost for the accommodation of this excursion of approximately $65-$85 dollars. Plus, students will need to bring money for their meals.
Any information about this excursion please contact the Careers Adviser as soon as possible. As I need final numbers by the end of this week.
Mrs Judy Ing
Careers Adviser