Year 7 News

Year 7 PBL Winners for Term One.
The Most Positive PBL group was the 7TM1 Koala with the MOST positive (1382) PBL’s for the term. They will be having a special event happening shortly possibly a Free lunch! Well done!
Competition is running again for Term 2. Class with the most PBL’s will be given a special treat. Updates and photos will be provided in the Newsletter later in the term.
Year 7 Easter Egg Hunt.
Year 7 had an Easter Egg Hunt on Wednesday 27th March Week 9 just before Easter. Students in Year 12 arranged the easter eggs around the front section of the school and directed Year 7 to where some of the eggs maybe.
Students had a wonderful time and were able to take with them a variety of different eggs Some did melt in the warm afternoon which could not be helped.
Year 7 Camp is Coming!
Students will be attending the Year 7 Camp in Week 3 From Wednesday 15th May to Friday 17th May. We are heading to Echuca and students involved will be getting further details once numbers have been finalised. Students need to bring a sleeping bag and a bottom sheet. Other details will be handed out by Monday 13th May.
Payment due by Friday 10th May
Ms Webber