Year 7 & 10 Vaccinations

Consent for  students needs to be in by 

Friday  10th May 2024.

 In 2024 the following vaccines can be provided at school for your child.

  • Year 7 students: are offered free Gardasil (HPV) and Boostrix (Diphtheria, Tetanus and Pertussis) vaccination. 
  • Year 10 students: are offered free Meningococcal ACWY vaccination

The date for school vaccination is scheduled for Monday 13th May 2024


Vaccination will only be provided at school if consent has been received.


You can consent for vaccination using the following link 


School Vaccination Program - NSW Health


or scan the QR code below 

Paper based consent forms are available at the office.  Please note these are limited, as on-line consent is preferred by NSW Health.

Consent for  students needs to be in before Friday the 10th May 2024.