Visual Arts

Artes Visuales



For the first three weeks of this term, the Foundation students have been exploring colour theory. They have been revising primary colours through the reading 'Little Blue and Little Yellow' by Leo Lionni. Students were taught the translations of each of the primary colours blue (azul), red (rojo) and yellow (amarillo). They had lots of fun examining how secondary colours are made by mixing two of the primary colours using shaving foaming.  Students were continually encouraged to use the Spanish terminology for each colour and attempted to articulate the word when asked which colour they would be making; Purple (Morado), Orange (Naranja) and green (verde). 



For the following lesson, students reinforced their learning of primary and secondary by stating them in Spanish. They painted their hands using two primary colours to create handprints, which would ultimately make their desired secondary colour; for example eg. 'Rojo y amarillo hace naranja' (Red and yellow make orange). After that, they gently rubbed their palms together to create a secondary colour.




This term students have been excitedly learning about clay. For their first session back at school they explored the properties of clay, how to make different hand-building forms and different Spanish interchangeable terms used for clay: arcilla, tierra y barro. They all excitedly created their sculptures using their imagination to play and manipulate clay accordingly. Lately, students have been making patterned pinch pots, developing their skills in being able to make pinch pots as a basis to make other clay creations. This week they have been planning their pinch pot monsters using different designs and focusing on adding visual impact through their use of facial features as well as employing the use of horns, claws, fangs, etc.


Here are some examples of the grade 1/2's clay work:



Here are some images of the students' plans for their upcoming clay pinch pots:





Grade 3/4


The Grade 3/4's have begun this term learning about printmaking. They had lots of fun creating monoprints using a subject of their choosing. Currently, they are in the process of making low relief collagraph inspired by the artwork of Pablo Picasso. Students are to create their cubist collagraph using thin card, as part of the process they were encouraged to assemble and reassemble the different pieces of their collagraph. Links were made to how collagraphs are prints created by a raised collage. We also discussed, how the word 'colle' which is the root word for both a collagraph and collage means to glue in French. 


The Grade 3/4's experimenting with mono printing in the Art room:

Examples of various cubist-inspired collagraphs:


Grade 5/6


This term the grade 5/6 students were transported to the dystopian world of Steam Punk. As part of this unit of work, students learnt about the features commonly used in this genre which include the use of cogs, gears, rivets and sheets of metal. They examined different Steam Punk artwork to help inspire them when creating their drawings. Students were to select an animal and/or thing to sketch and shade using elements of Steam Punk design. Later on in the term students will be creating 3D models of Steam Punk Teleportation devices using recycled materials such as cardboard. 


Examples of the Grade 5/6 students drawings: