

Amanda West

Students will explore the art elements of line, shape and colour through drawing, collage, painting and textiles activities during Term 2. We’ll use these elements to create artworks inspired by Vincent Van Gogh’s ‘Sunflowers’ and portrait paintings. Students will learn about the connections between colours, lines and emotions, through drawing faces with expression and adding collage materials to represent feelings. In addition to regularly sharing and discussing our work, art appreciation will be further explored during Education Week when our art room turns into the ‘Glow with Van Gogh’ gallery (on display for Open Night). The gallery will showcase bright, fluorescent student artworks inspired by Vincent Van Gogh, all glowing under blacklights! We’ll learn about art gallery etiquette and engage with a range of art forms through observational drawings and discussion.




Michelle Rees

In Term 2, students will continue to develop their understanding of Auslan, and how we can use our bodies and facial expressions to communicate. We will look closely at the five parameters of Auslan (handshape, orientation, location, movement and non-manual features) and talk about the importance of these. We will grow our Auslan vocabulary by learning signs for numbers, emotions, animals and the weather. These signs and concepts will be taught by using a range of role plays, games and songs. Students will also have the opportunity to view a variety of videos and stories, created by people within the deaf community, to help us build our understanding of deaf culture. 




Performing Arts

Peter Humphries

In Term 2, Foundation students will delve into musical concepts through singing, dancing, and playing basic musical instruments. They will learn about tempo (fast and slow), pitch (high and low sounds), and dynamics (loud and soft). Through reading beat symbols and following musical patterns, they will explore ways to record their ideas. Additionally, students will collaborate in groups to craft sound stories. In drama, they will act out familiar stories using voice and movement, as well as engage in puppetry and mime.



Physical Education

Chris Steele

In Term 2, students will continue to focus on exploring movement and physical activity. Participation will include minor games and activities to develop fundamental motor skills particularly underarm throwing, catching, kicking and skipping. This will be explored through the use of body and space awareness with equipment such as hoops, beanbags, soft balls and ropes. The concepts of teamwork and cooperation will be introduced.



Below are each class' Specialist Timetable.