
In Term 2 the Level 1 and 2 students will continue to have opportunities to use hands on manipulatives and be immersed in real world examples. Furthermore, every task is designed to have an enabling and extension element to ensure that the learning intention is achievable for all students. Below are the topics each level will be covering this term.
Level 1 Topics
- Place Value - more/less, expanded form of numbers
- Number - skip counting
- 2D Shapes
- Division
- Chance and Data - graphing
Level 2 Topics
- Chance and Data - graphing
- Subtraction - backwards 10 facts
- 2D Shapes
- Number - backwards doubles, difference between, skip counting, multiplication
- Time
- Money
Level 1/2 Problem Solving Tasks
Again this term, students will have the opportunity to apply their own perspective and knowledge to various mathematical problems. Using a narrative link and/or a real world connection, are how students are engaged with these problems. Drawing a mathematical picture and making a model are time efficient strategies to help students solve these tasks, and they will be explicitly taught to the students this term.
Here is a problem solving task to have a go at with your child at home!
The answer to a subtraction problem is 5. Show as many ways as you can, where the answer is 5.
Need some help? - Enabling prompt
8-3=5. Use a strategy below to show this. Mr Woolard has drawn a number line for you to use. Miss Woods has drawn a picture for you to use.
Need a challenge? - Extending prompt
The answer is 100. Show as many ways as you can, where the answer is 100.