Welcome back - Term 2
Welcome to Term 2! We hope you all had a happy and safe Easter, and we have been hearing all about some fun events that have happened over the holiday period since returning to school.
We would like to thank those of you who came into school for a 'getting to know you' interview back in Term 1. Having these types of communications are imperative. We highly value the connection between our teachers and families, as we continue to build upon the junior years of your child's school life, and endeavour to maintain an environment where your child is cared for and achieving their goals.
Please continue reading our Term 2 newsletter, which is part of our reporting process. It provides parents and carers an overview of what learning will be occurring in Level 1/2 this term.
Later this term, your child will receive a mid-year report, as well as their learning goals in preparation for Term 3. Just a reminder that these are reviewed termly and children's goals change at different rates depending on their areas of need.
If you need a new copy of your child's weekly schedule please download a copy below.
106's schedule
111's schedule
112's schedule
200's schedule
201's schedule
202's schedule