Student Achievement Awards - 13th May


For your determination in Maths this week. After reading 'One Is a Snail Ten Is a Crab', demonstrated that 6 + 4 equals 10, which is the total number of ladybird legs and lamb legs. 


Darling, you start your day with a beautiful smile, and you're always so excited to see your friends. You include others in your games, and in class, you listen to the instructions and take pride in your work. During show and tell, you ask terrific questions to the speaker. Well done Superstar!


Nora, excellent reading this week! You read confidently and with expression. You were able to retell the story and tell me all about the different characters, as well as have text-to-self connections. Keep up the great work.


Congratulations on your progress in both writing and reading. In your recount you wrote a number of sentences in the correct order and used some great directional words. You are reading with greater fluency and confidence.


Congratulations Dylan on your determination during writing last week. You effectively used your time and your plan to draft a recount about our excursion to Cranbourne Gardens. You were able to use time connectives and paragraphs in your writing. I can't wait to see your published recount! 


Well done Ellie on your perseverance and reslience during Writing this last week. Despite missing the excursion, you took up the challenge to write a recount about a different personal experience. You were able to include an orientation, events in order as well as time connective words. Great work! 


Congratulations Maya. You have been so commited to your home-reading that you have already read for 70 days! Your dedication is inspiring others, while also improving your reading skills. Well done! 


Kohshi, your energy and positivity light up our classroom each day. You've been so focused during Phonics lessons this term, and I'm very eager to hear more about your animal design in writing. Keep up the great work!


Congratulations Sophie on your amazing homework this week! I was really impressed with your detailed and well-thought out plan, which informed and guided you to write some incredibly persuasive sentences and include a variety of effective high modality words. Fantastic work!


Congratulations Riley on your Term 1 holidays slideshow presentation. It was very animated, engaging and entertained 4P immensely. The use of secret questions included an element of surprise, which intrigued the class and allowed you to gain their full attention. What a mysterious superstar you are! 


Congratulations Alexander on your fantastic work ethic. You are always willing to listen in class, contribute to class conversations and share your insights with the class. You have made some great observations whilst we have been reading Philip Bunting's "The World's Most Atrocious Animals". Keep up the great work.


Congratulations Elijah on your had work in catching up on missed learning. You worked well with your writing partner to craft a strong introductory paragraph for your persuasive piece about why we should not waste food. An awesome effort, Elijah!


Congratulations Neelay on your exceptional persuasive writing. You have taken on board feedback and created a very persuasive argument about why people should learn a second language. You used high modality words and excellent sentence starters to engage the reader. You also helped another student to strengthen their persuasive writing. Keep up the great work!


Congratulations Lynda on your dedication to learning. It is a pleasure to see you show such determination with your persuasive essay writing. You are a Super Star!


Well done Gina on the fantastic start you have made to you persuasive writing about Log Cabin Camp. It is teriffic to see you using adjectives like 'delightful' and 'tasty' to describe your experience on camp. Great work!