Student Achievement Awards - 6th May


Congratulations Amirah on your enthusiasm in Writing this week. Drawing inspiration from Pamella Allen's work you created your own book called 'Shh! Little Mouse'. You used words like 'crunchy', 'sleepy' and 'soft' to describe the food the little mouse was eating. 


Well done Chloe on starting your picture story book called 'Shh Little Mouse'. After our author study on Pamela Allen, you changed the character and setting to a 'mouse with a pink tail who lives in a cheese house'. Keep up the great work!


Congratulations Kane on an excellent published piece of writing! The way you were able to build your power of three sentence to describe your flower chalk drawing was great to see. Keep up the great work! 


Jonathan, you were a superstar on the excursion to Mount Waverley. You showed responsibility, respect and care for your classmates and teachers. You participated 100% in all activities with enthusiasm. Great job, keep it up.


Isabella, thank you for your enthusiasm, curiosity and positive attitude during our excursion to Cranbourne Gardens. You worked cooperatively with your group to read the map and find the items on the scavenger hunt, even the bandicoot! Congratulations Isabella!


Well done Ryan on your participation on the Cranbourne Gardens excursion. Not only did you eagerly engage with all the activities and learning, you also showed care and kindness to your peers throughout the day. Great work, keep it up!


Congratulations Yasaman for demonstrating perseverance with your reading this year. As a result, you have made excellent progress. Keep displaying your positive attitude towards learning.  


Congratulations Eleanore! You did so well during our recent Cross Country event. Your determination was impressive, and you finished with an awesome result. Be proud of yourself! Well done.


Congratulations Oliver on an amazing week. You have showed initiative by being the first to volunteer to sit in the 'hot seat' and persuade your classmates about your favourite animal. It was also amazing to see the effort you put into drawing and writing lots of interesting facts about giraffes. Keep it up!


Congratulations Olivia on your fantastic "Holiday Homework Presentation". Your inclusion of music and fun images kept the entire class engaged as you shared clearly your recount of your holiday experiences. Keep up the fantastic effort. 


Congratulations Imogen for your outstanding participation in all camp activities. You demonstrated resilience and perseverance with many activities that required you to move out of your comfort zone. You also enabled others to enjoy their time on camp by noticing when they needed assistance with following instructions, or encouragement to participate fully in group activities. Thank you for your kindness and support Imogen!


Congratulations Hayden on getting out of your "comfort zone" on camp. You tried every activity and gave each experience your best go! I'm so proud of the resilience and positive attitude you showed each day. Keep up the fantastic work!


Congratulations Will on your amazing camp skills. It was a pleasure to see you take on each new challenge with enthusiasm and confidence. You are a Super Star!


Congratulations Saahib for the wonderful personal attributes you displayed at Log Cabin Camp. You were positive and encouraging to others and went out of your way to make sure all members of the group were included. Well done!