Principals Report

by Helen Freeman

Time is disappearing fast as we are now almost halfway through this term!


Since the last newsletter I have a few things to share with you today as our school is always a busy and productive place.


In the recent SDSSA Cross Country at Mirrabooka Reserve, our students displayed great school spirit and sportsmanship by cheering each other on and demonstrating excellent manners. We had several students perform extremely well and qualify for the Monash Waverley Division Cross Country at Blackburn South next Wednesday. I would like to make special mention of Imogen who won the overall medal in the Under 10 girls race and to Lucas who won the overall medal for the Under 10 boys. In both these sections there were around 80 competitors. We are extremely proud of all our students that competed and represented our school so admirably. We wish all of those that have made it into the Division cross country, the best of luck! Go Syndal!

Mother’s Day Stall

The Parents Association held a fabulous Mother’s Day Stall last week. I hope all our mums enjoyed receiving their special gifts. A huge thank to all our wonderful volunteers who came and worked on the stall and gave snippets of advice to our excited customers. A special feature of the day for me is seeing all the students with their decorated carry bag that they had completed as part of their art lesson to hold their items in and for mums to enjoy. The total amount raised was approximately $1,500 which included approximately $390 raised from the Mother’s Day raffle.

2025 Foundation Information Evening

Last Wednesday night we enjoyed a successful 2025 Foundation Information Night. Prospective parents and students attended and were given an interactive journey, show casing all the fantastic learning opportunities available at our brilliant school.

Attitude to School Survey

It is now time to complete the annual Attitudes to School Survey. Our students in years 4, 5 and 6 will have the opportunity to complete the survey providing valuable feedback to us. The survey is offered by the Department of Education to assist us to gain an understanding of students' perceptions and experience of school. The survey will be conducted in the week beginning Monday 27th May to 7th June. 

School Uniform

As the days become shorter and colder it is a good time to check the winter school uniform supply. The school uniform for winter is green tracksuit pants, school dress/tunic, black or green tights or leggings only, plus the normal polo shirts – either long or short sleeve.  Please ensure that all school uniform is named as we continue to find a large number of items that aren't and therefore get donated back to the secondhand uniform shop.

Working Bee

Just a reminder that we have the school Working Bee on Sunday from 9-11am. If you are able to attend please bring along some gardening gloves and maybe an outdoor broom.  Students that attend must be accompanied by an adult, and will go into the draw to win a prize.


Have a fabulous fortnight everyone.
