School Captain News
School Captain News
What's Happening Week 2 Term 2:
What's happening Week 3 Term 2:
Welcome back everyone, we hope you all had a great easter and a wonderful break. Ready for some amazing learning in Term 2.
We have added in what’s happening for the next 2 weeks as there will be no news from us next week due to it being a short week.
Here is a riddle that you can try just for fun!
What is always coming but never arrives?
The answer is at the bottom of the newsletter.
Anzac Day
Next week on Thursday the 25th of April between 10:00 am and 11:00 am at Anzac Park Lesra and Cruz, two of your school captains will represent our school at the Anzac Day Ceremony.
We will lay a wreath on behalf of the school at the Shrine in Anzac Park.
Would be great to see some familiar faces down there.
Yard Slips
This week’s yard slip winners are Leo from 3B, Phoebe from 3C, Grace from 3 and
Arianna from 1D they were all caught being respectful.
Behaviour Bucks
This week’s Behaviour Bucks winners are Prep C and 6C with 35 points each
Congratulations to those classes who won!
Answer to Riddle:
Have a great weekend everyone.
Cruz, Lesra & Amelia