Student Awards
Students of the Week
Alexander B, 2C - for your consistent hard work and effort at school. You are a kind and caring classmate who always does their best. Keep it up!
Ella M, 6B - for always being prepared to tackle a challenge, show gratitude, or help a friend in need. You legend!
Theo R, 3C - for showing perseverance and resilience in completing his first Cross Country. Well done Theo!
Rachel B, 1C - for always looking out for her friends in the classroom and the playground. You’re a delight to have in Grade 1C!
Hailey K, 4C - for being an excellent student and always displaying the HERRRby values.
Miles W, 6D, for his excellent application to school work and learning and for always displaying kindness and positivity with all his classmates.
Green HERRRBY Award
Finn F, PC - for continually bringing in rubbish free lunches and caring for our school environment. Well done!
Remy W, PA - for working really hard on your reading skills to sound out and blend new words. What a superstar!!
Edie W, PA - for your resilience to improve your literacy skills and share detailed sentences that contain a noun and a verb. Keep up the great work!
Morgan Z, PB - for always trying your best and persevering when you find things hard. Keep answering questions during class discussions. You can do it Superstar!
Luca B, PB - for being a kind friend in PB and working hard to improve your writing. Your sentences about the frog book were impressive. You can do it!
Zoe N, PC - for showing great resilience in returning to school and always showing a positive mindset. Keep it up!
Eva C, PD - for being an all round excellent student. You are such a value add to Prep D.
Marlow J, 1A - for his outstanding and insightful contributions and excellent vocabulary during reading centres. We all appreciate your sense of humour!
Poppy J, 1B - for persisting in all learning areas and giving 100% effort. Great job, Poppy!
Maui K, 1D - for putting great effort in your writing. You always have amazing ideas and work hard to write each sound you hear in a word.
Ty R, 2A - for such a great start to Term 2. The effort that you are putting into Maths is admirable, keep it up!
Zach G, 2B - for working hard on his writing and maths last week. Amazing start to the term Zach!
Ezra W, 2D - for being a wonderful member of our 2D family, his positive attitude and fabulous effort he puts into his learning.
Zahara K, 3A - for the amazing effort she puts in from the moment she enters the classroom. What a super star!
Micah B, 3B - for the awesome effort you put in at cross-country. You impressed me so much!
Millie L, 3C - for showing empathy and generosity to a peer during a time of need. Thanks for being thoughtful, Millie!
Tahki L, 4A - for running with all his might all the way to the finish line at cross country. Well done on coming first!
Isla T, 4B - for her excellent performance in the Inquiry role play.
Audrey C, 4B - for being our gardening expert and helping to plan a lesson for the Year 4’s. Thanks Audrey!
Ori T, 5B- for demonstrating excellent classroom behaviour.
Lily M, 5B - for developing self-confidence and believing in herself. You are a star Lily!
Tamar K, 5C - for being a positive and caring classmate and continuing to show improvement in her learning.
Romi D, 5C - for consistently maintaining a positive attitude and perseveres through challenges in learning.
Xanthe A, 6A, for coming into school every day with a positive attitude and a desire to do her best!
Wilba G, 6A - for being a great friend and role model to everyone in 6A!
Jordy R, 6C - for coming to school every day with a positive attitude and giving her best with everything she does.
Eitan M, 6C - for an excellent start to our Sustainability Unit. Your work and effort this week has been fabulous.
Japanese Ninja Star Awards
Chloe A, Georgie C, Caelan S, Ty R, 2A
- for working enthusiastically as a Japanese Ambassador in Term One! Thank you for your excellent contribution. がんばりました! Ganbari mashita (Fantastic work)!"
Toby J, 3A - for being an excellent participant in Japanese and demonstrating HERRRBY values in learning. すばらしい です! Subarashii desu!
Gus S, 4C - for participating in all activities enthusiastically and working hard in Japanese class. すばらしい です! Subarashii desu!
Francis D, - for working diligently and being a great participant in Japanese.
すばらしい です! Subarashii desu!
Madeleine M, 6A - for being an active participant and bringing cheerful vibes to the Japanese class. すばらしい です! Subarashii desu!