From the Principal's desk

We have had all types of weather over the past two weeks. Students have shown fantastic resilience during this time, with the hope that we will have more stable Autumn weather leading up to the Easter holidays.
It was fantastic to see so many families attend our special Leader's Badge Presentation Assembly on Friday. I am excited to see all of the work our leaders will do around the school during the year. I know they will represent the school well and wear their badge with pride.
2024 School Council Nominations
Our Annual General Meeting will be held on Wednesday 20th March at 6:00pm (New and existing members).
Call for nominations and election timeline:
We would encourage all parents to consider nominating for School Council. It is a great opportunity to learn about how the school operates, and how you can be part of decisions made for the benefit of all students across Numurkah Primary School.
In 2024 we have 4 parent vacancies on the NPS School Council. Nomination forms are available at the office for parents to collect and are due back by 4pm Friday the 15th March. There are two types of nomination forms:
- Self-nomination form
- Nomination by another parent
At the close of nominations, a list of nominations will be posted at the office and listed in the newsletter. If we have more nominations than positions an election will be called and the ballot will take place on Monday the 18th March. Please feel free to contact the office and speak to me if you have any questions about school council.
Morning school arrival
Just a reminder to students arriving to school in the mornings. Students need to arrive as close to 8:45am as possible. If you need to drop your child to school early please book your child into TheirCare so they can be supervised. The building will be open from 8:45am for students to come in, put their bag away and get ready for the school day.
Victorian State School Spectacular
I have sent home a detailed information sheet with all students who expressed interest in attending the VSSS. Please have the completed form back to the office with $20 to cover the cost of the t-shirt by this Friday the 8th of March.
5/6 Canberra camp expression of interest
Our Year 5/6 students have been given an amazing opportunity to attend the Canberra camp this year. All 5/6 families are reminded to get their camp expression of interest into the office by this Friday the 8th of March. A $50 deposit is required to secure your child's place on the camp. Please come in to see the office or myself if you have any questions or concerns regarding the camp or payment.
Our Year 3 and 5 students will participate in the 2024 NAPLAN testing between March 13th and 25th. All tests will be online apart from the Year 3 Writing which will be paper based. Students will have time during class to participate in practice sessions and complete NAPLAN style questions. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your child's classroom teacher. Please click on the link below for more information for parents and carers.