Principal's Report

Dear Rockhampton North Special School Community,


As the Principal of Rockhampton North Special School, I would like to share some vital updates and reminders in our latest newsletter. Our school is not just a place of learning; it's a community where each child is valued, and their growth is our priority. 


Embracing SunSmart: Safeguarding Our Students

In Queensland's sunny climate, it's crucial to prioritise skin protection. As a SunSmart school, we are committed to ensuring that all students are safe from the harsh Australian sun. Remember, Slip on a shirt, Slop on some sunscreen, Slap on a hat, Seek shade, and Slide on some sunglasses.


School Hours: The Importance of Consistency

Our school hours are from 8:50 am to 2:50 pm, and these times are carefully planned to maximise learning while considering the wellbeing of our students. Consistent attendance during these hours is crucial. Early pick-ups can disrupt classroom management and the learning process, not only for the child leaving early but also for their classmates. We encourage parents to respect these hours to ensure a stable and effective learning environment for all.


Traffic Congestion Update

We are aware of the ongoing traffic congestion during pick-up and drop-off times. Please refer to the detailed information later in this newsletter for our action plan and how it might affect our families. Your cooperation and patience as we navigate this challenge together are immensely appreciated. 


Student Code of Conduct: Mobile Phones and Vaping

In our commitment to maintaining a positive and conducive learning environment, we remind our families about our Student Code of Conduct, available on our school's website. This includes our policies on mobile phones and vaping. Mobile phones must be handed in at the office in accordance with school rules. As for vaping, it is strictly prohibited on school grounds. We believe in educating our students about making healthy life choices and adhering to school policies designed to protect and enhance their well-being.

In Closing...

As we move forward into this year, let's continue to support each other in fostering a sense of belonging and pride in our school. Each one of us plays a part in creating a vibrant, inclusive, and respectful community. Thank you for your ongoing support and commitment to our school's values.

Kind regards,

Dehlia 😊



Dehlia Dawson


Rockhampton North Special School