Important Information
Information, news, and updates.
Important Information
Information, news, and updates.
NPS 'ALWAYS ON' FEEDBACK PORTAL - Leave your feedback via this link
Each year we ask all NPS families to complete a multiple permission form via Compass. This informs us if parents and caregivers give consent for specific annual permissions such as head lice checks, local excursions, photography, and the use of students' images in school social media. Please access and complete these on your Compass app as soon as possible. If you are having trouble seeing this on your phone, please try 'open in browser' as this may help. If you require support to complete these actions, please contact the office.
On Wed, 6th March we will be joining staff from Lara and Anakie Primary Schools to participate in a day of professional development at the Victorian Academy of Teaching and Leadership with a focus on 'Responsive Teaching'. The day will be facilitated by Bronwyn Ryrie-Jones, an expert in this field. There is no school for students on this day.
OurPatch, our new Out of School Hours Care provider will be offering a curriculum day care program on this day. For bookings, please contact OurPatch on 1300 018 310 or email;
Now that OurPatch have settled into our school community, offering before, after and holiday/curriculum day care programs, e want to pass on any feedback from our school community. Please utilise our 'Always On Feedback Portal' at the top of this page to leave your OSHC related (or any other school related) feedback.
We are very excited to be running an Easter Raffle this year. Raffle ticket books will be sent home with (eldest) students on Monday - please keep an eye out!
To support this fundraiser, we invite families to donate items to include in our prize hampers, such as chocolate eggs, bunnies, soft toys, family games or Easter themed activities and craft. If your family would like to donate to the prize pool, please send items to the office by Friday 15th March.
Raffle Winners will be drawn at the end of term 1 assembly on Thursday 28th March.
Do you know that our second hand uniform cupboards are always open to our school community? They are located in our main school building, just around from our reception desk. Families are welcome to look through the items before or after school on any day.
The office also accepts donations of clean, good condition uniform items to resupply this cupboard/service to our school.
We ask that, if able, please give a gold coin donation to the office for each item taken from the cupboards.
Are you connected with our social media accounts?
Did you know that we are on Instagram and Facebook? We love sharing our achievements and happenings with our school community, and one of the ways in which we do that is via our social media. We have recently re-activated our Facebook page and continue to post on Instagram. Follow us via the links below.