Burnie Deputy Head of Campus Report

Delwyn Polden
Delwyn Polden

I've been thinking a bit lately on the subject of change. My work life has changed significantly over the last few months, but as God leads me into a new season, I am reminded that even though things in my life may change, He does not. Sometimes our lives seem to be constantly changing and this can leave us, at times, filled with uncertainty. I am mindful that as we begin a new school year, this can bring changes and uncertainty for our students too.


Even in the midst of change, I am reminded again of God's faithfulness to His people and more specifically, as I reflect over my years at Leighland, His faithfulness to our school. He is the hope that shines through even when we may be uncertain. 


As I look out my office window and see the amazing new structure that is growing every day, I often think back to what the school facilities were like 20 plus years ago when I first joined the staff of Burnie Campus. I think it is important that when we see God's blessings, we need to acknowledge that this is all because of Him and His faithfulness.


In 2019 when I finished my time in leadership at Burnie Campus, I had no idea that God would call me back to this role again. However, life is uncertain, and here I am called to serve again in this capacity. I am very grateful to God for the grace and compassion He shows me on a daily basis and look forward to serving you, our community in the coming season.


Our school has experienced incredible growth over the last 18 months or so, and I believe there is more to come.  As we embark as a community together on this journey of growth, I think again of the concept of change and am reminded of the verse in Hebrews that speaks of Jesus' constancy. His faithfulness to us all is constant and unchanging, no matter the uncertain nature of life. What an amazing truth that Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever!


I wish you all well as we embark together on a new school year which I am sure will be full of changes that could at times make us feel uncertain. But let us all remember those words that remind us that Jesus is always there and never changing.


God Bless,


Del Polden

Deputy Head of Campus