Indonesian News

Selamat siang everyone! (Good afternoon).


Did you know that “SELAMAT DATANG” means “WELCOME”? If you ever visit Indonesia, you are highly likely to hear this cheerful phrase around the markets, in shops or even just on the street. Indonesian people are very generous with their smiles and love to welcome visitors to their place in space.


Grade five and six students have been practising conversational language, such as ‘Selamat datang’ whilst creating conversational cartoons. We hope to finish these next week, to share with the juniors at school.


Our wonderful grade three and four students have been working very hard, preparing beautiful signs for all around the school; including lovely “Selamat Datang” signs for our entrances. We even have a sign at the Art room door (where we teach Indonesian) that says “CEPAT KEMBALI” meaning “Hurry back!” so that Mrs. Tulloch remembers to say that to anyone dashing to the dunny! 


Grade one and two students took on a big challenge and started making paper dolls to practise their Indonesian colour names. The challenge was in cutting out the tricky little pieces of the colourful garments! Rupert and Flo made fast work of it and even created little scenes for their dolls to play in. We will work more on these next week, ready to move on to creating beautiful fabric colour snakes.


Prep students saw a short but colourful video that helped us to practise colour names and then continued to learn how to say their own name in Indonesian (Nama saya…) with a gorgeous self-portrait with their name as the heading.


Sampai jumpa lagi! (See you again!).

Cepat Kembali!!! (Hurry back!).