9-12 Community News

As we finish Week 7 of Term 1, we reflect upon a busy past few weeks and look forward to an equally busy final two weeks of the term. The students and staff of the 9-12 Community continue to work hard and have fun, with lots of curricular and extracurricular activities taking place.


The House Swimming Sports held in Week 4 were a great success, with all those attending competing with spirit and energy. There were many outstanding individual and collective efforts on the day. Well done to all who competed and cheered and congratulations to Delany House for their victory on the day.

Week 4 also saw our Year 12 and Foundation students gather together to attend our Parish Mass. It was an opportunity for our most senior students to share a prayerful, and fun, time with our youngest students.

Our Units 3/4 Outdoor and Environmental Studies class has had some of their activities curtailed by the recent extreme heat. However, the weather did not prevent the class undertaking their first camping excursion last week. Hunter F and Lachie W’s report on the trip is below.

Outdoor & Environmental Studies Camp

For our first camp of the year, we drove to Picola to start our canoe journey which would cover 60kms in three days. Firstly, we met our tour guide, Barry, who showed us some useful canoe techniques, which was very helpful, knowing a lot of us had had little experience of paddling canoes. On the first day, we covered 17kms, ending up at Fisherman’s Bend,  where we set up camp and stayed the night. We made dinner and caught many fish and lost even more. On the second day of our trip, we were woken up early by the sounds of nature and we were on the water at 8 o'clock. We had our first pitstop after 11kms at Picnic Point. We used the break to read all the information boards about the local area we were staying in and the history around it. We then paddled another 17kms to Barmah Lake,  where we  set up camp for our second night. We enjoyed having a swim and tipping one of our canoes so that we could learn how to turn it back to upright and empty it efficiently. It was an early night because the mozzies were eating us alive so we decided to go to bed and get ready for our last day. On the last day, we finished our camp by completing 10kms and getting off the water at the Barmah boat ramp. There were many tired bodies and hungry bellies. So, on the way home, we decided to go the the Nathalia Bakery where we devoured many sausage rolls and Big Ms. We got back to school to unpack everything and wash up a few things after a great and educational camp in the Barmah National Park.


This week, our Year 9 students commenced the NAPLAN tests. Unfortunately, along with many other schools, we have been hampered by state-wide technical difficulties related to issues with the Telstra network. The students have been very patient with these technical difficulties and we thank them for their positive approach to the situation. The NAPLAN process allows for a number of ‘catch-up’ days and we will be utilising these days to ensure that we can complete the remaining tests next week. Results for the NAPLAN will be available in Term 2.


Next Friday, 22nd March, is another significant day on the school calendar: Photo Day. Students have received information and payment envelopes and are reminded to complete the details for ordering and paying for photos as per the instructions provided. Students are reminded of the need to wear their full summer formal uniform for photo day.


Which brings us to some reminders to students around the expectations of wearing the College uniform.

Overall, students are looking impressive in their school uniforms, with most students wearing their uniform- neat, clean and complete - with pride. 


However, at times, some students have struggled to comply with some requirements of our Uniform Policy. An aspect of uniform that we are finding some challenge is in compliance with our policy on school shoes and wearing a combination of academic and sports uniforms. 


We seek the support of families in helping us reinforce the importance of all students wearing all parts of our uniform correctly. Students taking pride in the way they wear their uniform is an aspect of education that extends beyond the classroom. As a College community, our expectations of students are about enhancing their growth and development and together, the College and it's community families can be so much more impactful in that space. To help support students to wear their uniform correctly, we ask parents/guardians to familiarise themselves with students’ timetables, so that they can guide students in wearing their formal and/or sports uniforms on the correct days. 


While it is hard to believe with the current warm weather, something for students and families to think about before the return to school is to dust off their winter uniforms and consider if the uniforms still provide the right fit.

Below is a link to the Uniform Guide to assist you.

Uniform Guide 


In closing, as we move towards the end of term, we would like to congratulate all of the members of the 9-12 Community on a great Term 1 and we encourage all students to enter Term 2 with purpose and enthusiasm. With that in mind, we particularly commend our VCE students to make the most of their break. While it is important for students to enjoy some rest time, it is vital for VCE students to view this time as a ‘non-instruction period’ - a time in which they can prepare for the up-coming term by doing the pre-reading and activities that their teachers set them, making use of the variety of online and textbook resources that staff provide to support their coursework. Also, as highlighted in the Elevate Education seminars presented earlier in the term, students should take the opportunity to develop their revision notes from the course content from Term 1. Revision notes prepared soon after the teaching/learning, which are then revisited on a regular basis, will help with the long term retention of the content.


Michelle Downie                         Brad Downie

9-12 Community Leader           9-12 Community Leader

Wellbeing and Community      Student Learning and Professional Practice