Anchorage House News

Well, where did those nine weeks go! The Anchorage house for some of our young men has been a revolving door of coming in and heading back out again for family time over the weekend or sport commitments, while for others it has been a place away from home and family for what feels like a very long time. 


As I look back on this term in Anchorage House, it has all the key script cues for an action-packed Chuck Norris film! These included our school’s outdoor education camp programmes, summer sport commitments, winter sports trials, our recreational activities like fishing trips, golf ranges, beach trips, easter hunts, Youth Challenge Park PCYC Albany, secret packages and, who could forget, the speedway. On campus we have boys in and out of the house riding bikes, scooters, playing cricket, football and ping pong

The boys have had their own personal challenges over the term with some navigating a new school and boarding for the first time and others finding out more about themselves and how they fit into friendship groups in school and back at boarding. All these challenges can bring on homesickness which affects people in different ways and often at different times. In all the boarding success stories I have been a part of, or heard about, there are two key points that stand out on everyone’s list which are: the great friendships you gain and the independence you learn. Families are critical to their child’s happiness and play a key role in this support by remaining strong and supportive, while no doubt suffering homesickness yourself at times while your child is in our care. We are clear in boarding that you, as parents and guardians, are always the most important people in their lives. These success stories and friendships groups take time to develop in boarding and one of my roles along with the staff in Anchorage House is to check individuals and groups when required to ensure they join us back on the track as they continue their journey through adolescence.   


With the interim reports out, I have sat with each boy and looked at the comments and indicators. Next term we will meet one-on -one and do our SMART goals based around them.  I am pleased to see some of our boys engage in 'accas' (Academic Support) after school this term. This is always encouraged by our boarding staff and one we can support the parents in by ensuring they are attending. It’s a great value add to being in boarding. 


As we draw a close to this term, enjoy reconnecting with each other over Easter and take time to enjoy each other's company again around familiar sights, sounds and tastes of home life and family.


 Thank you to all families for connecting across the term.  


Mr Ashley Keatch | Head of Anchorage House