
Saturday 16th March, 2023

Volunteer List

Our Fete volunteer roster has gone digital!!! Woohoo! It is located on the MySchoolConncect App (the App you do lunch orders on) via the My School Volunteer tab.

Follow the PDF instructions attached to volunteer.

Major Raffle

Stay tuned!

Lasagne Pre-order Form

You can order using the paper order form sent home OR via this LINK


A very popular stall at our school fete is the Hamper Baskets. Each class in the school have been allocated a theme (please see below). We kindly ask that each child donates an item to place in their class basket related to their category by Friday March 8th. On Fete day, these baskets will be wrapped in cellophane and raffle tickets will be sold to win these baskets with all the goodies inside them! Thank you in advance for your generous donations.

Hamper items can be brought into class from Monday 19th Feb until Friday 8th March


Hamper categories for each class:

Foundation KO: Dress Ups

Foundation ST: Baby

1SG: Young Boy        

1HT: Young Girl      

1TA:  Bathroom & Laundry          

2NW: Garden

2KE: Mum

3FC: Party & Celebration

3NB: Pet

4MH: Dad, Fishing & Camping

4GK: Mystery Hamper (anything goes!!)

5VO: Kitchen

5EH: Sports, Games & Hobbies

6KN: Stationery

6SH: Art and Craft


Casual Clothes & Mystery Bag Item Day


Friday 1st March

More information to follow

Amusement Pre-paid Wristbands 

These will be available for purchase until Wednesday 13th March @ 3pm.

Price: TBC

More information to follow

Cake Stall

Cake stall plates will be distriubuted in the coming weeks. 

These will be due back Friday 15th March.