Principal's Message

Welcome to 2024


We have had another action packed week here at St. Joseph's.


We kicked off the week with the Year 3-6 Swimming Carnival and what a wonderful day it was. Sportsmanship, participation and personal bests were achieved by the students.


Tuesday, we prepared for Lent by celebrating Shrove Tuesday with delicious pancakes prepared by parent helpers and Year 6 leaders.


Wednesday, we ventured over to the church for Ash Wednesday. The students participated with reverance and made us all very proud. 


The Foundation students practiced learning 'm' is for 'Milo Monkey'

The Junior students also learnt about the wind in Design Technologies. 

The Middle students are reading the novel 'The Twits' and learning the meaning and correct use of the prefix 'anti'.

The Senior students are reading the novel 'The Velveteen Rabbit' and in Digital Technology are unpacking the use and purpose of binary numbers.


Thursday and Friday some of our Junior School teachers started some new learning of their own!


Warm regards,


Stephanie Arundel on behalf of Sarah Iddles