A message from Margie
We're continuing our exploration of what it means to be gritty. Here's what some of our Year 2 students said today:
"When I do a drawing if I don't give up and keep trying I know I'll get better"- Kimberly
"I'm being gritty when I keep trying even if I feel I can't do it!" - Lucy
"If you get something wrong you keep going- don't give up, be more gritty!" - Flo
"You show persistence- like when I was nervous at assembly I just said to myself to keep trying."- Isabella
"If I fall off my bike, I just get right back up and get back on my bike."- Chester
We need your help with safety!
We are having a few issues with safety in the yard this term, and we'd love your help. Please talk to your kids about how they can help to keep themselves and others safe in the yard, specifically :
- Nature play in the bases. When playing in the bases, children need to always look out for safety. We ask children to look after the pallets and not pull them apart. If kids see a pallet with nails they need to stop playing and report it to a teacher. They need to look out for creatures too and use caution.
- Bases before and after school. We can't supervise kids in the bases properly before and after school. We'd appreciate your help in making sure your children are not at the bases at these times, thank you!
- Climbing trees. Although we think climbing trees is a wonderful activity for children, unfortunately we can't allow it at school since we are not able to lay enough soft fall (bark chips) to ensure kids are safe from injury if they fall.
- Tackling. Tackling, bumping, pushing... any sort of rough play is never ok at school when playing sport. This seems to be difficult for some children to remember or manage, so we'd love you to talk about it at home.
- Fighting vs playing - Some kids like to play imaginary games with sticks (eg swords or lightsabers), but we find they are not safe at school.
If anything interesting or helpful comes out of your discussions at home, I'd love to hear about it. Feel free to send me SeeSaw message! Thanks for your help. 😎
We would like to welcome new Year 2 student Winnie Jenssen and her parents Peta and Henri and family. We're all looking forward to getting to know you!
Collection of students
We'd like to remind you of our sign-in and sign-out procedures. Please remember if students arrive late for school or if you need to collect them, that this must be done through the front office. This is really important so that we have an accurate record of who is at school at any given time, in case of emergencies.
If students arrive a few minutes late, they need to be dropped off at the front of the school and come through the front office to collect a green 'late pass' to hand to their teacher. If it is any later than this, parents or carers need to bring their child into the office and sign them in.
If you are picking up students before the end of the day (for appointments or to leave early for example) you need to come to the front office first before collecting your children and collect a purple 'permission to leave school' pass, which you then hand to the teacher so they know they have been signed out. Thank you!
Acquaintance Night Feedback
We had some lovely feedback about the Acquaintance Night last week. one parent said:
Big Thanks to you and all the teachers! It was a great evening. I feel as I just only put my toes into the school community being a reception mum and in few weeks I have been welcomed with great warmth and a sense of belonging. Very Grateful.
We would love to hear your feedback in regards to the night. Please click on the link to take the short survey. Thank you
Naplan preparations are underway for students in Years three and five. You should have received some information at the beginning of week two which gave some information regarding testing. Next week students will participate in a coordinated practice test which allows students to view different samples of questions they may see during their tests and provide the school an opportunity to make sure technology is working to its best capability before proper testing.
Students will complete four tests starting Wednesday 13 March. They will complete one test per day in the morning block before recess. Students will complete writing (Year 3 on paper/Year 5 online), Reading, Conventions of language (Spelling/grammar) and Numeracy. If students are unwell, they will complete catch-up tests on alternate days to make sure they complete all four tests.
This is an opportunity for staff and families to get a snapshot of how children are going in these four areas of learning. For more information please contact the school.
Seen around school in Week 4!
I wish you all a wonderful fortnight!