Important Medication News

St Anne’s Catholic Parish Primary School Medication Authority Parent Information


Dear Parents,


Please read the following information about the new procedure in relation to  administering medication to your child/ren.

The relevant forms which are required to be completed by your Medial Practitioner or Pharmacist are available in the office and attached to this page.   

This new procedure means unless we have this paperwork completed, NO medication can be administered by staff.

 If there is no form you will need to come in and administer the medication yourself.   

Once we have the form we are obliged to only administer medication and dosage listed on the form. We are not allowed to give the medication at any other time or another dosage other than what is on the form. If the medication time or dosage changes you will be required to get an updated form.                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

     This is the information we received from MACS.


Parents / guardians / carers are responsible for providing a Medication Authority Form (MAF) to the school via a hard copy form that has been sent home containing the medication/s to be administered, and the medication requirements (dosage, method of administration, frequency, times of day, storage) at the time of enrolment or when notified of the required administration of medication in the school environment.


Medication must not be administered to a child being educated and cared for unless the MAF is authorised by an Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) registered medical / health practitioner or Pharmacist except in exceptional circumstances.


The principal or delegate may agree to proceed with a MAF signed by only the parent/ guardian/carer in exceptional circumstances, for example, short-term (1-2 days), for the administration of over-the-counter medication at school or during off-site activities such as camps.


The principal is responsible for ensuring that a MAF is received and updated when the medical advice regarding the medication method, timing, and dosage changes.


Parents / guardians / carers are required to provide the school with the medication in its original packaging, within the expiry, with the name of the student (for prescription medication) and outlines instructions for administration/application of the medication.


No over the counter or prescribed medication is to be administered beyond the instructions on the original packaging unless written recommendation is provided by an AHPRA Registered Medical Practitioner or Pharmacist.  


If you require any clarification in this matter please feel to contact me.

Thank you for your assistance.

Debbie Trower