Learning Diversity

Dear families,


If you feel that your child may need extra support or has a Disability that the school is not aware of, please contact the office and ask to speak to Sally Thomas or email me sthomas@saseaford.catholic.edu.au



PSG’s at St Anne’s happen once a term. 

We have 50 children at the moment who required a meeting.

PSG stands for 'program support group'.

PSG’s allow us to set and assess smart learning goals in consultation with families

and allow specialists to use their knowledge to help the school set goals.

PSG’s are one way that we communicate/collaborate with families of children with disabilities and special needs. This is a requirement in the NCCD funding model.


PSG’s are also a way that we monitor the progress of our First Nation’s children and consult with the Aboriginal consultant from MACS.


PSG meeting dates will be sent via SEESAW with in the next week for Term 1 meetings.  Due to the restraints of NAPLAN, Parent Teacher Interviews and CAMP, meeting dates will be difficult to change. If you are unable to attend, the meetings will not be rescheduled this term.

PSG meetings and Parent consultation are a requirement of the NCCD funding model that provides the funds for children to access the assistance the need. 

Meetings can be held either face to face, via phone or on line.






As a result of the Quality Assurance process and discussion. It is recommended that all medical documentation and reports that families are sending to staff be sent via email or in a hard copy.  Please do not use the seesaw app to send medical information to the school.