Dates For Your Diary

Term 1 


19 Assembly 2.45pm

21 Camp Information Night 6.30pm

26 School Tour for Prospective 2025 Foundation Parents

28 Parent Teacher Interview 3.40-6pm



1 House Cross Country

4 Foundation Start Full-Time

4 Assembly 2.45pm

6 School Advisory Committee & AGM @ 6.30pm

7 District Cross Country

13-15 5/6 Portsea Camp

18 Assembly 2.45pm

25 School Tour for Prospective 2025 Foundation Parents

27 School Tour for Prospective 2025 Foundation Parents

28 End of Term 1 

Term 2


15 Term 2 Begins

15 Alleluia Day & Easter Bonnet Parade

17 School Photo Day

19 District Track

22 Assembly 2.45pm

24 Anzac Day Liturgy 3pm

30 District Field



6  Assembly 2.45pm

7 Mother's Day Morning Celebration

20 Year 3-6 Swimming

20 Assembly 2.45pm



3 Assembly 2.45pm

6 School Closure Day - RE

7 School Closure Day - Wellbeing

17 Assembly 2.45pm

19 Italian Day

26 Parent Teacher Interviews 3.40-5.40pm

27 Student's Finish Early at 1pm

27 Parent Teacher Interviews 1.10-5.40pm

28 End of Term 2

Term 3


15 Term 3 Begins

22 Assembly 2.45pm

26 St Anne & St Joachim's Feast Day

26 Grandparent's Day



9 Father's Day Celebration



2 Assembly 2.45pm

16 Assembly 2.45pm

19 Footy Day

19 End of Term 3

Term 4


7 Term 4 Begins

7 World Teacher's Day

15 Lightning Premiership

28 Assembly 2.45pm



4 School Closure Day - Report Writing

5 Public Holiday - No School

11 Assembly 2.45pm

12 Foundation Orientation 1

19 Market Day

22 Foundation Orientation 2

25 Assembly 2.45pm

26 Foundation Orientation 3




3 Foundation Orientation 4

4 Christmas Concert 6.30pm

6 Class Transition 12.10-1.50pm 

9 Class Transition 12.10-1.50pm

9 Assembly 2.45pm

12 Year6 Graduation

13 Whole School Mass

13 Awards Ceremony @ 2.30pm

16 Last Day for Year 6

16 Year 6 Big Day Out

16 Report go out

17 Students finish 1pm