Learning Community 1

Prep, 1/2 Jane Guy, John Wigg, Kate Stoll

Prep Guy

This fortnight in Literacy, Prep Guy have been learning more about the letters of the alphabet and the most common sounds they make. We have learnt the following letters so far this year: s, a, t, p, i, n, m, d, g, o, c, k, ck, e, u and r. Wow! We have been busy! We have also learnt that our vowels can make two sounds( sometimes more) such as a as in apple and a as in ape, e as in elephant and e as in eagle, i as in igloo and i as in ice cream, o as in otter and o as in oval plus u as in umbrella and u as in unicorn. Students have started to run these sounds together to read and write words using these letters. We have also learnt how to form a sentence using an uppercase letter to begin, placing finger spaces between our words and placing a full stop to end. We have learnt about rhyming words, aliteration and Indigenous dreamtime stories.  


This week we welcome Ms Nina, a preservice teacher from University who will be completing her placement in our Prep room. Please make her feel welcome. 


In Maths we have continued our work with numbers to 10, as a digit, word and an amount of counters to match. We have learnt which numbers are bigger or smaller than others and how to order our numbers from the smallest number to the largest number. We have also shown these numbers in ten frames, on a numberline and as tally marks. We have learnt the number before and after a given  number. We continued our work about the days of the week, months of the year and seasons, looking at the weather each day. Students have thought about what they do on specific days and what we do at different times of the day, such as morning, lunch time and dinner time. 


Gardening Cooking Club

Last week we made bruschatta using tomatoes, onions, garlic and herbs from the school vegie garden. Yummy, were the words I heard! We then placed the seeds from the tomatoes onto paper towel to plant again next year. This week we pulled out weeds and picked the remainder of the tomatoes. Gardening Cooking Club is open to the whole school. We get together every Tuesday lunchtime. Everyone is welcome. 


Student Achievers

This fortnight we celebrate Ryker and Jaxon. A.


Ryker was chosen as our Student of the week for showing our school value of responsibility with his learning. He moved him self away from distractions completing all learning activities. Well done Ryker; you are amazing.



Jaxon was chosen as our Student Achiever for showing resilience, making new friends to play with at morning tea and lunch playtimes. Well done Jaxon; you are a superstar. 



1W and 1/2S

This fortnight in 1W and 1/2S, students have revised their phonological knowledge of the short /i/, /n/, /m/, /c/, /k/, /o/, /g/ and /d/ letter sounds. When reading, students were encouraged to decode words containing these sounds while also making connections to the text they were reading.


In Writing, students are exploring how to structure sentences when writing a Narrative. It is pleasing to see so many students use the mentor texts 'Wombat Stew' and 'I want a Pup' this fortnight. 


In Maths, students have continued to explore how to read, write and order numbers. Students have used hands on materials to make numbers which were then recorded in their Place Value form. When investigating measurement, students were encouraged to use objects such as pencils and glue sticks to measure the length of tables, books and their locker tubs. 


Student Achievers:

1W: Charlie H - For showing Respect to her peers by consistently being polite and using her manners.