
Tracey Sever

The canteen will only be open on Friday's during Term 1.


All orders are to be done through the Spriggy School app (see attached), you can pop your order through anytime prior to 9am each Friday. All snacks will be given out with their lunch orders, which are delivered to classrooms for lunch eating time at 1:20pm. If students have ordered a frozen snack, they will need to collect this from the canteen window at lunchtime.


Children can purchase snacks over the counter at the start of snack play, from 11:00 - 11:15am and at the start of lunch play from 1:45 - 2:00pm. If you have any questions or would like to volunteer some time in the canteen on a Friday this term, please don't hesitate to contact me and come and have a chat. We will also have 'special lunch' days once a term. These will be advertised here on Compass as well as in 'announcements' in your Spriggy app. 


Thank you, 

Tracey Sever

Canteen Manager.


 Copy of Copy of Retro Modern Food Menu (3)