Mrs Jillian Rainger

Welcome to Term 1 Week 6!

It was lovely to see so many families at our Year 7 and new families welcome BBQ last Thursday night. We also used this event to give our Year 7 families their child's iPad. In 2024 we have provided families with a student iPad. In the past students have brought their own devices. This enables our school to better monitor student use as well as help out families with the ongoing rising costs of education and living in general. Families signed an agreement when collecting this device. This will continue in the coming years. Thank you to Mr Gaias, Miss Bailey and Mr Ehsman for coordinating this event. The students then had fun at the secondary social. Thanks to the Secondary SRC and Miss Cush for the great music, decorations and canteen.


This week I look forward to hearing how our students went when they are trialling for Diocesan teams in winter sports in both Primary and Secondary.

Congratulations to...

Year 7 for their lovely Mass on Friday


All our students who were complimented by the school photographers for their respect and friendliness.

Best Wishes to...

All our students who are trialling for different teams this week in Lismore, Armidale and Tamworth.


To our team heading to the Inverell Science and Engineering Challenge on Friday

Coming Up:

Easter Fair

The Fair is a great social event and fundraiser for our school. Many hands make light work and it is a chance for you be be involved in our school. Thank you to those families who came along to the meeting last week or who offered to co-ordinate a stall. Over the next few weeks, you will be receiving a note from the stall coordinator for your child's class or year group. Please offer some assistance if you can help.



A letter has gone home to families in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 regarding dates and times for NAPLAN.


Family Conferences

Family conferences for Years 7-10 will be held across Week 8 and for K-6 on Tuesday 26 March. You will be notified when bookings can be made through Compass.


Centacare Counselling for Students

We now have a counsellor on-site for 9 days in the fortnight. If you feel your child would benefit from seeing a counsellor to help with anxiety, worries, relationship issues, family breakdown, or changes in their lives, please contact the school. There is a referral form that needs to be completed by parents and sent to me for signing and sending to Centacare. The counsellor makes contact with the family to discuss concerns before sessions begin.


 Uniform Update

New winter stock has arrived in the Alinta Uniform shop.


Have a good week! 
