‘Forming lives of faith, hope and love in the light of Jesus Christ’.
‘Forming lives of faith, hope and love in the light of Jesus Christ’.
Families whose children are making the Sacrament of First Reconciliation are required to attend the presentation formalities at Mass on the weekend of the 9th and 10th of March. Children must bring their Reconciliation Presentation Card with them to pass onto the priest to confirm attendance. The Card is completed at school and sent home with your child.
Mass times in our Parish are:
Our Lady's Craigieburn
Saturday 6.30pm
Sunday 8am, 11am & 6pm
Good Samaritan, Roxburgh Park
Sunday 9.30am
As part of our Catholic Mission during the season of Lent we raise money for Project Compassion, this money will help many communities in Australia and around the world in need. An initiative that we would like to continue is for students to wear something purple on Fridays to acknowledge our Season of Lent and to donate a gold coin for Project Compassion
This item of clothing should not take away totally from the OLPS school uniform and as such the following items are recommended:
This special initiative will run each Friday for the whole of Term 1 only.
Through our combined efforts, we hope to raise much needed funds to support those in need with Project Compassion. We look forward to seeing our community come together in almsgiving during this season!
Important Dates for each Sacrament will be added closer to the times.
Sacrament of First Reconciliation - Year 3
Sacrament of First Communion - Year 4
Sacrament of Confirmation - Year 6
This week's Gospel shows us a different side of Jesus. He is a man who knows the expectations and routines of the People of God and wishes that others can do the same. Because of this, he is angered at the sight of people treating the temple like a place where some can lie, cheat and steal from others without consequences. He is firm in his values and throws them out of the temple knowing that he could potentially be hurt by the many many people there who make money off others. This week, we are challenged to do the same, stand firm in our beliefs and strong in our values in the face of temptation.
Have a great week ahead and God Bless,
Mr Angelo Iacopino