Assistant Principal News
Week 5 Greetings
We have had a great start to the 2024 school year and we have already got to the halfway mark! There are still many more events left for our students, Y3/4 Camp, NAPLAN, Gala Day, Life Education (wellbeing incursion), Y1/2 Community Walk, Y3/4 Excursion and the Prep Community Walk. Please remember that Monday 11 March is the Labour Day Public Holiday. This will be a great opportunity for all of us to recharge so that we can get through the rest of the term with lots of energy! 早いもので今学期も中盤に差し掛かりました。1学期の後半にもまだまだ楽しいイベントが待っています。3・4年生のキャンプ、ナップラン、ガラ・デー、ライフエジュケーション、1・2年生の学校近辺の散策、3・4年生の遠足、プレップの学校付近の散策など、盛りだくさんです。3月11日は勤労感謝の日で祝日となっております。残りの1学期を乗り切るためにも、連休にしっかり休み、リチャージしましょう。
School Uniform
After the long summer break, some students may have forgotten what our correct school uniform is, as we have been seeing some clothing items that are not aligned with our Dress Code Policy. Please refer the appendix for the correct items and discuss this with your child. Students with long hair (below their shoulder) need to tie their hair up properly (not half up half down). 長い夏休みを経て、正しい制服のアイテムを忘れてしまった生徒もいるようです。ご家庭でも、Dress Code Policyを今一度ご確認ください。また、肩より長い髪の毛は必ず結ぶようにしてください。(ハーフアップは認められません。)
Snapshots from the Classroom
The first two photos this week are from our Prep classrooms. I was so impressed with how they settled in so well into our classroom routines. Can you believe this is only their second full week at our school?? In the first photo, Miss Ryan is explaining to her students which subjects they were learning during the day, using a great visual timetable! In the second photo, students from the other classroom collaboratively figured out how to wait for their turn to take their pencil case out from a box. Look how beautifully they are waiting for their turn in a line that they formed on their own! Great job, Preps!
Next stop was Kurata Sensei’s Y1/2 classroom where students were presenting about their holidays in Japanese. They drew pictures first then explained about what they did by responding to Kurata Sensei’s questions. 次に訪れたのは庫田先生の1・2年生の教室です。ホリデーで行った場所、したことをポスターで絵に書いて、先生に説明していました。日本語もスラスラお話しできて、素晴らしいです!
I then visited Mori Sensei’s room which is another Y1/2 Japanese classroom. They were in the middle of their Maths lesson and Raiden told me that they are learning about ‘digits’. In this lesson, students were learning how to compare two numbers and explain which number was bigger and the reason for it by using the MAB blocks. 最後は森先生の1・2年生のクラスの算数の授業風景です。2年生のレイデンが「けたの勉強をしているんだよ」と教えてくれました。MABブロックを使って、どちらの数字が大きいかを比べて、理由を説明する勉強をしていました。