Chaplain's Corner

Lent is a time to think about our relationship with God and with each other. How do we restore relationships understanding that the only control we really have is over ourselves – no matter how much we would like to change others. Genesis 3:19 and Ecclesiastes 12:7 remind us that God formed us from the dust and to dust you shall return. This is a humbling reminder of our human mortality. I encourage you to make space for God in this time and remember those ones we have lost as we prepare for agony and joy of Easter.
Aitken Faith Community
A monthly child friendly worship continues on 17 march at 4:30pm in the CPA Foyer.
This is a newly forming community in which newcomers are most welcome to explore faith together.
Aitken Community Picnic and Games
A good number of families enjoyed a great gathering on the evening of 27 February for outdoor games.
Blessings, Rev. Gavin Blakemore
Rev. Gavin Blakemore.