Deputy Principal

Mr Kim Forward
Parent News on AIMS
Please check your AIMS dashboard regularly for parent news, particularly items that affect your child. The College is making less use of email due to bulk emails often being blocked by email providers, hence you are encouraged to get into the habit of checking AIMS daily for all of your Aitken news.
Year 7 and 10 Immunisations
Year 7 and Year 10 students have immunisations on Monday 4 March. Information and a link to the online consent platform has been posted on AIMS with reminder emails sent too. Please ensure you have responded online even if not giving consent.
Student Bus Travellers
If your child travels on one of the public school bus services, please ensure that their myki card is topped up regularly; register their card and then it can be topped up online.
If your child travels on one of the College’s charter bus services, they must have their ID card with them (or a fob for younger students) with which to scan on and off the bus. ID cards for new students are being processed now that school photos have been received.
Internal College Traffic Reminders
Our traffic and car parking rules are predominantly to ensure the safety of children, especially at drop-off and pick-up times when traffic and pedestrian movement is heaviest. Please remember to comply with the following during drop-off and pick-up:
- Children must not cross the ring road anywhere except the supervised Gym crossing; the staff parking zone opposite the buses and around the roundabout is not a parent parking area.
- Children must only enter or exit cars if parked in a marked parking space or parked alongside the ring road.
- When collecting Prep and Year 1 children in the afternoon, please remain in your car until the 3.05pm bell sounds as walking around the school or approaching classrooms is a distraction to classes that are still running.
Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund (CSEF) 2024 Application Form
The Victorian State Government has established a Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund (CSEF) to provide payments to eligible students to attend Camps, Sports and Excursions.
Parents and/or Legal Guardians holding a valid means-tested Centrelink Health Care Card (HCC), Pensioner Concession Card (PCC) or a holder of the Veterans Affairs Gold Card are eligible to apply. Temporary Foster Parents are also eligible to apply.
The CSEF rate is an annual payment of $150.00 for a student at primary level and $250.00 for a student at secondary level.
Once the application is validated, the CSEF is paid directly to the College and then allocated to the relevant school fee account.
For more information, please refer to the below CSEF application form.
Please Note: applications close on 21st June.
Mr Petar Gajic
Finance Manager