Room 11 News
Tennis Clinic
During Term 1, room 11 students have hosted and assembly, participated in water safety lessons, a tennis clinic with Matt and worked with First Nation's artist, Scott to help design our mural.
Here is our class wrap up of our activities.
Tennis - We had a fun tennis lesson with Matt learning ball and racquet skills.
We met with Scott to design the Mural on the outside of the school building.
We wrote words and pictures to tell the values story at Modbury and then Scott took our ideas and painted the Mural.
Tyler - “ The different symbols on the mural mean different things. Challenge looks like a hill with a boulder being pushed up it.”
Sharun- “ The other symbols mean teacher and friends. The friends one looks like me in the center and all my friends around me. It looks like they are supporting me.”
Aariz - “I learnt how to save someone’s life if they are stuck in deep water or if they drown. I enjoyed having free time because we played Marco Polo.”
Keerat - “I like that we put life jackets on, I have never done it before and now I know more about how to use a life jacket.”
Prab - “I learnt how to use a life jacket, it was so easy!.”
Violet - “I liked when we played Marco Polo at the end of the week. I learnt how to save someone if they are drowning.”
Riva - “I like swimming in the deep pool and swimming the whole length of the pool! I’ve never done that before.”
Shayla - “I like swimming because we were in a big pool and on the last day of swimming we got free time and I did flips.”