Student Leaders Update
Shadow Minister Tour Reflection - written by our Student Leaders
We had a great experience showing the honourable Mr Gardner and Ms Michelle Lensink MLC around our school. Zoya showed the Peace Pole to the visitors. Aaradhya showed them the PBL totems and told them what they were. Cadence then showed the firepit and the First Nation painted seats around the firepit and walls. We then walked to the nature play and Alex showed them the nature play and told them why it is important. Connor then took the lead and showed them the PALs box and what PALs mean.
We then walked back to the office and Aaradhya showed them the PBL boxes and the prizes for it, we then took a photo. Zoya showed our displayed values to the visitors, PBL resilience, kind and safety and three C’s connect, challenge and create. Then each of us told the meaning of one of the values and how we got the meaning of them in the school.
While we walked up the stairs Aaradhya told them about Wakwakurna and what it means. We then took the visitors to receptions and year 1’s class which is the Hive then showed them the room and what they do.
We then took them to LCB which is the year 1,2 and 3’s working space. We then showed them what they do and about library space around them. We then took them to room 10 which is the year 3 to year 6 class and showed them that they are the special class and how they are able to take on lots of excursions and their learning.
We then took them to room 11 and told them that they are the only year 4 class and the learning they do. We then took our visitors to LCC and showed them around and told them about how year six and five work was separated.
Then we went to the preschool and showed them around. Then the preschool teachers started a conversation with Honourable Mr Gardener and Ms Lensink. That was the end of the tour.