Principal's Message

Introducing our 2024 Prep Teachers
I am very pleased to be able to share with you our 2024 Prep teachers:
Miss Ashleigh Bence
Mrs Katherine Bolton
Many of you will know Ashleigh who is a current Launch teacher, having joined us in Term Three this year. Katherine will be joining us in 2024, after teaching locally. Having held the Team leader position at Woori Yallock for the last few years where she mentored graduate teachers and led the introduction of continuous reporting, as well as a recent stint as Acting Principal at Marlborough PS, she will be an additional asset to Launch PS and our leadership team, successfully attaining the role of our Learning Specialist. Welcome to Launch Katherine!
Katherine and Ashleigh will be running our next Transition Session this coming Friday from 2:45 – 3:30PM as well as facilitating our Prep Information Night on Thursday 23rd November from 6:00 – 7:00PM.
Leadership News
Candice Nyman was successful this week in acquiring a three-year tenure to continue in her role as Inclusion Leader at our school. Candice will continue the work we have begun in ensuring Launch is an inclusive school that supports all students to achieve their potential. Candice is also a member of our School Improvement Team which meets fortnightly to discuss the actions we are putting in place to lead continuous school improvement. Congratulations Candice.
More interviews
We continue to interview prospective teachers this week to find the best people to teach our students as our school increases to 9 classes. I’ll share information with you about these appointments as they are confirmed.
Swimming Program
Our Prep-Year 2 swimming program has begun without a hitch. Thanks a ton to our parents for an outstanding commitment to the program – 96% of Prep to Year Two students. We are ready for summer!
Assembly – This Friday 9:00am
As always our community are encouraged to attend assembly to congratulate our students receiving awards.
Feedback and ideas for 2024
School Council are collecting some basic feedback about what parents and students perceive to be the strengths and areas for improvement at our school. We are also hoping to receive some ideas about how we could spend some of the funds raised by our brilliant Parents and Friends group. Check out the link to send us some feedback:
Class Placement 2024
I would like to thank all the parents who have taken the time to share information with me recently, regarding their child’s class/group placement for next year. We are now in the process of allocating our students to classes. Our staff work hard to set up balanced, fair and productive classes across the whole school. As staff continue with the thorough process of allocating children to class groups, many meetings occur and all children will be placed into a class group for next year, with at least one friend of their choosing.
Year Six Graduation Event – Warburton Golf Club
Students of Year Six students please note that Monday 18th December is our graduation event, being held at Warburton Golf Club. Save the date!
Timings for the event are as follows:
6:00 – 6:45PM: Presentation (Families, students and school staff)
6:45 – 7:15PM: Photos and soft drinks on the veranda (Families, students and school staff)
7:15 – 7:45PM: Sit down dinner (Students and school staff)
7:45 – 8:30PM: Disco (Students and school staff)
8:30PM: Conclusion of evening - Parents collect students
National Student Wellbeing Grant
I am very pleased to share that we were successful in our application for the National Student Wellbeing Program funding (refers to chaplaincy or student wellbeing funding). Given Chezelle’s planned departure at the conclusion of 2023 we are now in search of a student wellbeing officer to work with us for the next 4 years. Stay tuned!
Dr. Paul’s Bike Hospital
Our fantastic Dr. Paul will be seeing patients (bicycles) in the big green shed beginning Monday 4th December. Bring your bikes along to school to have them safety checked, tyre pressures, brakes etc ready for our Warburton Bike Ride Day (Year Three – Six students) on Friday 8th December. Continue with your bike ride training and practice in the lead up to the event to make sure your legs (and bottom!) are prepared for the big ride!
Launch Christmas Concert
Please put the date of Thursday 7th December into your calendars for our Christmas Concert. We are thrilled that we can again host this wonderful community event. More information about this night will be shared with the community over the upcoming weeks. We look forward to a great night!
Virtual Tour
See you around our place,
Laura Caddy