Principal's message

Student Leadership
Commencing in 2024, each class will nominate 2 Student Representative Council members to join our soon to be formed, Alvie PS Student Representative Council. This group of young leaders will help provide voice and agency around our future school direction. The students to represent each class will be voted on by their peers on our whole school Transition Day (12/12). On this day, we will also be selecting our 2024 School Captains.
Little Angler Kits
The Victorian Government is investing $1.5 million from the Recreational Fishing Licence Trust Fund to provide up to 95,000 Little Angler Kits to primary school aged children in Victoria.
Grade 5 students at all Victorian schools, including ours, will be offered the opportunity to receive a FREE Little Angler Kit. Grade 5 students have been selected based on the Victorian Curriculum focus, movement and motor development, and safety considerations.
The program is entirely voluntary. Schools were provided with the option to opt out of the program. Our school has opted to stay in the program so that parents can decide whether they want their child(ren) to receive a free fishing kit.
The kits include a rod, reel with line, tackle tray, some tackle and information on how to use them to catch a fish. Please note that the tackle tray includes fishing hooks. The tackle tray will be wrapped in cardboard and placed inside a pocket inside the fishing kit bag, which will be sealed with a cable tie to discourage students from opening their kits until they are with a parent or carer.
This initiative aims to grow recreational fishing participation in Victoria by actively encouraging primary school aged children to learn how to fish, as well as learning more about marine life and the natural environment.
Voluntary Curriculum Contributions
Next week all families will be sent our guide to Alvie Primary School our Curriculum Contributions 2024.
These contributions: subsidises the cost of classroom consumables and resources
- Art supplies eg paint, paint brushes, papers, crayons, clay and general art and craft activities
- Science experiment supplies and equipment used in practical classes
- Photocopying for all subjects - Handouts, samples of texts, tests
- Class sets of books and resources used in subjects such as English and Math
- Digital and online subscriptions that enhances the curriculum (Mathletics, Reading eggs etc)
- Purchasing new sport equipment for PE
- Purchasing music instruments for performing arts.
Curriculum Contributions are voluntary financial contributions for curriculum items and activities which the school deems necessary for students to learn the Curriculum.
Extra-Curricular Items and Activities are items and activities that enhance or broaden the schooling experience of students. Camps, Excursions and Incursions payments are not included in the contributions for 2024.
We have made every effort to keep the cost of items and activities to a minimum and affordable for all families.
Schools provide students with free instruction to fulfil the standard Victorian curriculum and we want to assure you that all contributions are voluntary. Nevertheless, the ongoing support of our families ensures that our school can offer the best possible education and support for our students.
Recruitment for 2024
We are continuing to recruit for the following teacher positions
- PE - 1 day per week
- Music/Performing Arts - 1 day per week
- STEM - 1 day per week
With the continued teacher shortage, we need your help if finding outstanding applicants. Can you please share these opportunities within your contacts.
Child safety and wellbeing at Alvie Primary School
Information for families and the school community
Alvie Primary School is committed to providing a child safe and child friendly environment, where students are safe and feel safe. Our child safety and wellbeing policies outline the measures and strategies we have in place to support, promote and maintain the safety and wellbeing of our students:
As valuable partners in promoting and maintaining child safety and wellbeing at Alvie Primary School we welcome and encourage your feedback. If you have any suggestions, comments or questions in relation to our child safe policies and practices, please contact our principal on 035234 8256 or via email