Parents & Friends

Upcoming events and more from the P&F

P&F Update

Save the Date - P&F Committee AGM Tue 28th Nov at 7.30pm

Our P&F Committee Annual General Meeting will be held on Tuesday 28th Nov at 7.30pm in the P&F room (across from the church). All parents and friends of Holy Spirit school (including incoming Prep parents) are warmly invited to come along and hear about our achievements in 2023 and plans for next year.

Thinking about joining P&F? Here are 5 reasons why you should!

  1. Your kids LOVE it when they see you helping out at school – and it shows them the importance of ‘giving back’.
  2. You get to know other parents and make some really wonderful friendships.
  3. It’s fun – don’t underestimate the hilarity of making 400 cheese toasties!
  4. It’s a great way to gain a deeper understanding of what makes this community so special.
  5. Everyone gives what they can and helps when they can. There is no pressure to help EVERY time or ALL the time. We all have jobs and family commitments too; we understand the juggle!

The following positions have given notice that they will not be continuing in their current roles in 2024:

  • President
  • Fundraising Coordinator
  • Social Media Coordinator
  • Fete Liaison Officer

We are also looking to nominate an Assistant Treasurer and General Members are always welcome. Role descriptions are available from the P&F Secretary by emailing 

Second-hand uniform shop – Tuesday 14 Nov 11.40am-12.10pm

ATTENTION: NEW PREPS for 2024! We will be holding an extra Second-hand Uniform Shop session on Tuesday 14th November at 11.40am-12.10pm, during the final orientation session. The Uniform Shop is held in the P&F room across from the Church/hall. Most items are only $2. We also have pre-loved school bags and new hats for sale.

Wednesday 15th November – BBQ Food Day

Our Term 4 food day is a FREE sausage sizzle for students! P&F are sponsoring this event so there is no need to pre-book or pay for lunch. Gluten free options will be available; please make sure your child’s dietary information is up-to-date in Operoo. Students will be provided with a sausage in bread. Please remember to pack a drink bottle and extra food for lunch if your child will need more than a sausage to fill them up!

We need 8 volunteers to help us cook and serve sausages from 11am-2pm on the day. Please sign up here if you can help: 

Holy Spirit Helping Hands – can you spare 10mins?

Thank you so much to the wonderful people who have already volunteered to be a part of Helping Hands! Some examples of the types of jobs for Helping Hands:

  • Sort the lost property box (any time)
  • Sort clothes for the second-hand uniform shop (during uniform shop sessions – 30mins)
  • Sell icy poles on Fridays (30mins)
  • Help cook sausages at our end of year Food Day (2-3 hours)
  • Set-up and run the Book Fair (from 1 hour) 

If you’re interested in being part of Helping Hands, please email with: 

  • Your name
  • Children’s names and classes
  • Mobile number
  • Email

Remember: NO meetings and NO pressure to help out all the time.

Icy poles are back!

Icy poles will be sold after school on Friday on the front lawn area for $1. 

Term 4 Event Dates – Pop them on your calendar now!

  • Tuesday 14th November - Uniform Shop open for new Prep families
  • Wednesday 15th November – TERM 4 FOOD DAY - BBQ for students provided by P&F
  • Tuesday 28th November - P&F AGM and final meeting
  • Friday 1st December – last curriculum day of the year. Volunteers provide morning tea for staff. More info to follow.
  • Wednesday 6th December - Uniform Shop