Excursions & Incursions

Student Excellence The Lume Excursion


On Wednesday 18th October , some of our students from Year 3 to Year 5 went on an excursion, as part of our Student Excellence Program.

They attended the incredible exhibition, ‘Connection’ at THE LUME located at Melbourne’s Convention and Exhibition Centre

The show celebrates First Nations art and music in the world’s largest digital art gallery.



When The Preps Met Some Wild Beasts!

On Monday 23rd October, our school hall was inundated with crawling, flying and snapping minibeasts! As part of our inquiry into ‘How the World Works’, our Prep students have been investigating the life cycles of different types of animals. During this incursion, we were able to feed butterflies, meet live yabbies and look at various live minibeasts using bug viewers. We even met a giant butterfly! Liz from Labcoat Learning taught us so much about insects and other minibeasts. Thank you also to all the parents who were able to help us out at the incursion.



What the students had to say:


I liked feeding the butterflies red cordial. - Abby 


We could scoop up animals from the dirt and put them under the magnifying glass, and I could see it moving. - Byron


Butterflies like cordial and they taste things through their feet! - Teddy


I learned that insects have six legs. - Lottie



Ms Bronwyn Fensham

Prep Co-ordinator

Year 2 Extended Day

On Thursday night we had an extended day. We got to do activities like blowing tissues with a straw, beading with only one hand, a pasta challenge, trying to hold dice on an icy pole stick, and finally trying to move ping pong balls with a spoon in your mouth. After that we also had pizza for dinner. And finally for dessert we got some fruit, yum! 

Alex B (2A)

On Thursday we had an extended day. We played games, ate pizza, drank cordial, played more games and had a brick incursion. On Friday we had breakfast in the hall and watch Monster’s Inc.

Zara N (2C)

On Thursday, Year 2 went to Day Camp and we came back to school at 5pm. First we got into groups and did some fun activities! After, we had some yummy pizza and later we played some Lego. We had a good time. On Friday, we got breakfast at school! After, we watched a great movie. We love Day Camp! My favourite thing was the breakfast. 

Neve D (2B)


Year 3 Melbourne Stars Incursion



On Monday the 30th October, the Year 3s were lucky enough to be visited by some Melbourne Stars cricket players. The two players were from the women’s Big Bash League: Maia Bouchier and Sasha Moloney. The students were able to ask questions before participating in some cricket skills activities. They then ended the session with some autographs. What a fun morning!




World of Maths Incursion

This term, student’s learning at Caulfield South Primary School has once again been enriched through various extra-curricular activities as part of our school’s Student Excellence Program. 


On Wednesday, November 1, students from Years 1 to 6 attended a mathematics incursion facilitated by the World of Maths. The World of Maths approach is all about making sure learning is enjoyable through real-life examples, by understanding instructions and applying problem-solving skills.


The problems provided to students were hands-on activities that not only reinforced key mathematical concepts, but also, encouraged active participation, collaboration and critical and creative thinking.


The Senior School session was greatly enriched through the attendance of students from Caulfield Primary School and Caulfield Junior College. We would like to express our gratitude to the World of Maths team for providing our students with such a valuable learning experience. As a school, we remain committed to offering innovative and engaging learning opportunities through a range of curriculum areas that enrich our students’ education.


David Mackay

Year 6 Co-ordinator