CSPS Awards

Congratulations to CSPS Students who received Student of the Week. 

Junior Assembly




ClassStudent      Reason
PABrodie DExcellent improvement in your handwriting. Keep it up!
PAByron NFor the incredible writing improvement you have shown, particularly in your Clever Max writing piece.
PBZara GFor working well with others and being a great team player in group activities.
PBHarry MFor showing kindness and flexibility to change groups for the Mini Beasts incursion plus for his excellent writing efforts.
PCPiper CFor working hard to improve her literacy skills and showing more confidence in the classroom.
PCAlly ZAlways helping others and showing more confidence in the classroom. Keep up the great work Ally!
PDJaiah SFor remembering his finger spaces in his writing.
PDStevie SFor demonstration of amazing school behaviour every day.
1ALily KFor making excellent improvement in reading. Keep up the good work! 
1AJordan CFor excellent work in Mathematics. Fantastic effort, Jordan! 
1BNochie SFor showing focus and determination during a code breaker number activity.
1CAlma SFor showing wonderful enthusiasm and working hard to complete tasks.
1CEmily KFor showing a responsible attitude when completing classroom tasks.
2AYarden LFor applying himself 100% to independently write a story with original ideas and beautiful handwriting. 
2AIke LFor his persistent effort in improving his literacy skills, and for setting himself a goal and sticking to it. Keep up the effort, Ike! 
2BHarvey VFor demonstrating enthusiasm in maths, especially in the 3D shape hunt around the school.
2BNeve DFor giving her best effort during our Big Write and using excellent descriptive language and high level punctuation.
2CCharli LFor demonstrating enthusiasm in planning, drafting and publishing her own story based off the text 'The Day The Crayons Quit'.
2CJasmine SFor demonstrating determination and increasing the detail and length of her Big Writes.
2DRosie DFor showing kindness and empathy to all those around her, at all times. Wonderful!
2DEden SFor being a reflective learner when setting personal and writing goals.


Senior Assembly


3ALily FFor always being willing to lend a helping hand to her peers.
3AAlan HFor his enthusiasm in wanting to learn more and sharing his knowledge with others.
3BJesse WFor being a risk taker and challenging himself when creating a fraction poster.
3BElla EFor having such a positive attitude towards her mathematical learning. 
3CSebastian GFor passionately engaging in our Nurture Nature unit and using your thinking skills.
3CJesse GFor taking pride in his work and always challenging himself.
4AToby O For using his thinking skills to make wise choices in class and in the playground. 
4AEmma PFor working collaboratively and cooperatively in all group tasks.
4BTaela H     For her commitment to her learning goals. Keep up the amazing work!
4BJack CFor showing kindness and empathy to all those around him. You’re a wonderful friend!
4CFelix XFor being an attentive and active participant during mathematics lessons.
4CGeorgia TFor showing excellent work ethic this week and putting in wonderful effort into all her work.
5ABenji H SFor working hard to achieve his new reading and writing goals.
5AMabel DFor consistently demonstrating her wonderful leadership qualities.
5BFreya HFor completing her homework at a very high standard each week.
5BLulu WFor showing great resilience in literacy and pushing herself to be better.
5CRuby SFor taking wonderful care in the presentation of her work, her work ethic has been outstanding this week!
5CMing JFor extending himself in Maths this week and taking on challenging tasks when learning about fractions this week!

House Cup Winners



Congratulations to Mauboy Warreeny's and Cowen Bunjils, winners of the House Cup for Week 4 & 5.

Congratulations to 3C and Prep D for being the class who was awarded with the House Cup for respectful audience behaviour at Assembly.





Congratulations to the following students who received ICAS awards.

Mikey S (3B), Frankie F (5C), Liam M (5C), Hudson S (3C), Justin G (3C), Tully V (3A), Hugo G(4C).