
School council update, 5/6 camp, "For Every Child" Campaign, Trivia Party

Important Dates

Friday 27 October - World Teacher's Day

Monday 6 November - Student Free Day (Curriculum Day)

Tuesday 7 November - Melbourne Cup Day Public Holiday

Friday 10 November - Foundation Breakfast

Friday 10 November - Trivia night. Bookings open and selling fast! (flyer with info below)

School Council Update


Hi Parents and Carers,   


School Council met last night for our second last meeting of the year (October). Please find below an update.   


Transition: Keep an eye out on the calendar for the 2 sessions that will be conducted for transition to 2024 classes (12 Dec, 18 Dec).   


Fete spend: In addition to camp/1-2 dinner sleepover/foundation breakfast; and operational costs to maintain smaller class sizes and more experienced teachers; the remaining fete funds will be spent on contribution to astro turf replacement. 


Fundraising: If you have not already done so, get in quick to buy tickets for the 150 Year Trivia Party on Fri 10 November: (  Dress up- your favourite era from the last 150 years.   


Wellbeing and Inclusion: We will be celebrating International Day of People with a Disability on Thursday 7 December. Keep an eye out for more info on how this topic will be explored during wellbeing class, as well as at assembly.   


Grants: If you have grant writing skills and have some time to help out, please see Rachel or Jane.   


Our next meeting is the last for the year, but as always, please do reach out to us or anyone on Council with questions, feedback or other suggestions. 


 Thanks, Bec and Kylie

Year 5/6 Camp

The campers are having a wonderful time at Camp Weekaway. Here they are when they arrived at camp yesterday and a couple of shots on the rope course. There will be more photos to come next week when they get back!

The 'For Every Child' Campaign

The Australian Education Union (AEU) is behind the latest campaign to highlight the chronic underfunding of public schools and put pressure on the Federal and State Governments to provide equity in funding across all school sectors.


As part of this campaign, the union is asking school staff, parents and community members across Australia to sign a postcard. 

We have started gathering staff and school councillor signatures already.  There are postcards at the office counter, and AEU members will be at the gate on a day after school in the next couple of weeks, with the aim of gathering more.  All the signed postcards from across Australia will be given to the Prime Minister in late November. 

You can also sign up online to show your support at this link: For Every Child


From Ross Gittins in ‘The Age’ yesterday:

“According to official figures collated by Trevor Cobbold, of Save our [public] Schools, combined annual federal and state funding grew by more than $2800 per independent school student over the nine years to 2020, after allowing for inflation. That compares with increases of almost $2500 per Catholic school student and just $830 a year per public school student

Across Australia this year, combined government funding is estimated to have provided private schools (Catholic plus independent) with 106 per cent of the Gonski-inspired, officially calculated ‘‘schooling resource standard’’ needed to meet the particular needs of their students. Public schools will get just 87 per cent of what they need.”

Our kids deserve better than this.

150 Year Trivia Party 10 November