Parent Information

Front Office

A friendly reminder to inform the front office of the following:

  1. Notify the front office when your child is absent due to illness, family reasons etc.
  2. Notify the front office when students are being picked up before the usual dismissal time.
  3. Notify the front office when students are going on an extended absence, and remember that there's a form available through the front office for this purpose.

School Fees Due

Term 4 Fees due Friday 3rd November


Fee Statements were sent via email in week 1. Please check your junk/spam folder to ensure it was received. For those on an instalment payment arrangement, this statement is for your records only. 


If you pay via EFTPOS, cash, EFT or QKR, your account is due on Friday 3rd November.


If you wish to discuss payment of fees, please contact the Finance Team at the office, or via email here.

Award winners

Congratulations Taylor, Charlotte, and Zach on your awards for Creativity, Love, and Optimism.

ICAS Student Results and Certificates


In Term Three a number of Year 3, 4, 5 and 6 students elected to participate in the national ICAS competitions. Testing was held over a number of weeks and students worked hard under testing conditions to do their best in answering online questions. Mrs Abraham and Mrs Carter supported students during the competitions and were both impressed with student stamina, persistence and ability to answer questions with creativity. 


Students results are now available and the results are impressive! Congratulations to all students who participated in this year's ICAS competitions. This year saw the largest group of students from GSPV complete testing for Digital Technology, Writing, Science and Mathematics. 


Student results and certificates will be sent home in blue bags on Friday this week. 

The Entertainment App

Support our fundraising efforts with 20% of every membership purchased going to support Good Shepherd Lutheran School Para Vista, and enjoy 100s of everyday savings!


The Entertainment App is an easy-to-use App packed with incredible savings of up to 50% off and 2-for-1 offers, so you can save on takeaway, dining, shopping, groceries, gift cards, activities and more.


Get great deals and savings and support the school via this link.

Lunch Time Club Timetable

Please see the Term 4 Lunchtime Club timetable attachment below. It shows students and families what’s on at lunch time. 

We would encourage you to use this to help your child reflect on their day and talk about what they played and who they played with at lunch time. It can also be a great tool to use to help your child plan their lunch time, if they are looking for options to connect with their peers in places other than the playground. If you would like a paper copy, please see the Front Office and they will be able to print one for your family. Thank you for all your support in making these clubs happen. It is very much appreciated. 


